24 Solar Terms | The Customs of Minor Cold


La Sacrifice(La Ji)

Minor Cold is a solar term in the last month of the lunar year. La Sacrifice, a traditional Chinese custom, is a sacrifice held at the end of last month (La Month) in Chinese lunar calendar, when the old and new years meet. Holding the La Sacrifice has three meanings. First, it expresses the reverence and memorial to their ancestors so as not to forget their origins. Secondly, it worships hundreds of gods to thank them for their contribution to agriculture throughout the year. Thirdly, it is a time for people to rest and have fun after working hard all year round.

Ice-skating Game

In the northern provinces of China, the weather is extremely cold in winter, and the river is frozen. In areas where the ice surface is particularly thick, there are always ice beds for pedestrians to play. Besides, people wear ice skates competing on the ice surface, which is called ice-skate gaming in ancient times. Nowadays, with the atmosphere of the coming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, more and more Chinese fall in love with skiing, ice hockey and speed skating. Not only do winter sports bring people a lot of fun, but they also keep people fit and healthy.

Appreciate the Plum

A flower message is the flower that blooms in response to a certain solar term. People select a flower that has the most accurate flowering period as the flower message for this period. And the flower message for Minor Cold is plum. The plums begin to bloom during this period, so you can appreciate the flowers in a place with a great view to refresh your mind.
