Huangsongyu National Forest Park(黄松峪国家森林公园)


    Huangsongyu National Forest Park is a beautiful land where mountains and water meet the eye with odd pieces of farmland. Here, the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty, forests, alpine meadows, green peaks, clear brooks and lakes, rare animals, flowers and plants, breathtaking skies, craters, old-world mines and lanes and cultural landscapes blend in perfectly with each other, presenting natural picture scrolls brimming with understated originality, rustic magnificence and marvelous elegance. With rolling mountains, ethereal clouds and fog, vast stretches of forests, rustling pine trees and beautiful eco-environment, every charm of the nature, magnificence, grotesqueness, precipitousness, elegance and tranquility, basks in each other's radiance here. And those kinds of unique natural landscapes have distinguished the park from its kind.

Address: in the northwest of Pinggu District
