Learning Chinese: fùnénɡliànɡ


negative energy



A: I really feel like I've been smothered by negative energy lately.


(wǒ zuìjìn ɡǎnjué yào bèi fùnénɡliànɡ yākuǎ le.)

B: What's the matter? Negative energy from where?


(zěnmele?nǎér lái de fùnénɡliànɡ?)

A: Negative energy I'm giving myself, I guess. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened, it's just I find myself bored with everything and always very tired.


(wǒ cāi shì wǒzìjǐ ɡěi de fùnénɡliànɡbā. méi shénme tèbié de shìqínɡ, jiùshì duì shénme dōu tíbùqǐ xìnɡqù, hái yīzhí fēichánɡ lèi.)

B:  You should make some changes, like heading out and chatting with friends more often. Or maybe talk to a professional doctor or psychologist. It won't be healthy if things stay this way.


(nǐ yīnɡɡāi tiáozhěnɡ yīxià, duō chūlái hé pénɡyǒu liáoliáo, huòzhě hé zhuānyè de yīshēnɡ, xīnlǐzīxúnshī tántan. zhèyànɡ jiǔle kě bù tàihǎo.)

Global Times