Learning Chinese: yáyī





A: My tooth hurts again. Can you go buy me some painkillers?


(wǒ de yá yòu kāishǐ ténɡ le, bānɡwǒ qù mǎidiǎn zhǐténɡyào bā.)

B: Constantly taking painkillers is no solution. I suggest you go see a dentist.


(yīzhí chī zhǐténɡyào yě bùshì bànfǎ ā, wǒ jiànyì nǐ qù kànkàn yáyī.)

A: I've already made an appointment to see the dentist this weekend. This is all because I eat too many sweet foods.


(wǒ yǐjīnɡ yuēle yáyī zhōumò qù kànyá, dōuɡuàiwǒ pínɡshí chī tiánshí chī tàiduō le.)

B: I eat a lot of sweets too, but each time I brush my teeth when I'm done. You definitely got a cavity becuase you haven't been carefully brushing your teeth.


(wǒ chī tiánshí yě bùshǎo ā, wǒ měicì chīwán tiánshí dōuhuì qù shuāyá, nǐ yīdìnɡ shì yīnwéi méiyǒu zǐxì shuāyá cái déle zhùyá.)

Global Times