A Hidden "Online Celebrity" under Phoenix Mountain


Longquan Temple, or Longquan Monastery, is located at the food of the Phoenix Mountain in western Beijing’s Haidian District. With a history of more than 1,000 years dating from the Liao Dynasty (926-1125), the ancient and venerable temple brims with an air of modernization. Many of the monks here who have given up their ordinary life were from the best universities of China like MIT or Harvard in the U.S. At the same time, the ancient and venerable temple is using the modern techniques of internet and social media to spread the important message of Buddhism.

Other features of the temple compound include two large Maidenhair trees that still bear ginkgo fruit despite being there for a millennium, and a small pagoda containing the remains of a Buddhist master surnamed Wei. A large pair of stone shoes sits at the base of the reliquary.

Address: No. 19 Fenghuangling Road, Sujiatuo Town, Haidian District
