Learning Chinese: shī lùlù


Chat attack

Soaking wet


(shī lùlù )

A: Why have you put so many plastic bowls out on the balcony?


(nǐ zěnme zài yánɡtái fànɡ zhème duō sùliào pén a? )

B: Didn't you notice that I've hung out clothes to dry? I put the plastic bowls there to collect the water dropping off the wet clothes.


(nǐ méiyǒu zhùyì dào wǒ zài shànɡmiàn yǒuliànɡ yīfu ma? wǒ fànɡ sùliào pén zài xiàmiàn shì wèi le jiē shī yīfu shànɡ dī xiàlái de shuǐ a.)

A: Why didn't you use the washing machine?


(nǐ zěnme méiyǒu yònɡ xǐyī jī a?)

B: Because the washing machine is broken so that the spin cycle doesn't work. Each time I end up taking out soaking wet clothes. I don't even want to talk about it, it's so annoying.


(hái búshi xǐyī jī huài diào le, tuōshuǐ ɡōnɡnénɡ bùnénɡ yònɡ le, měicì ná chū shī lùlù de yīfu, bié tí duō nánshòu la.)

Global Times