Enjoy Hot Chocolate at Corner Tower Café


The Corner Tower Café, located outside the Shenwumen (Gate of Divine Prowess) of the Forbidden City opened on December 1. Here you can enjoy a cup of Hot Chocolate and have a panoramic view of "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains", a China’s landscape painting masterpiece by Wang Ximeng in Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)…

This café has 19 tables, including 8 outdoor tables at the foot of the city wall and 11 indoor tables in the coffee shop. It is scheduled to open from 8 am to 7 pm, and offers 31 kinds of drinks such as classic coffee, milk and tea.

The café is decorated with the partition screens, gray bricks and wooden chairs in a simple style, even the wooden beams on the roof are exposed. The most-watched "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" is printed on wallpapers and curtains hung on the beam. Services such as charging are not available in the café because the strict regulations on electricity and fire in the Forbidden City.

There is also a "Royal selection" drink menu including Chocolate Latte, Hot Chocolate, Black Tea Latte, Bergamot Lemon Black Tea, Lychee Black Tea and so on.
