Traditional Tianjin Dishes


Zeng Beng Carp

Zeng Beng Carp is a traditional Tianjin dish. Made by frying a scaly live carp, the dish gets its names because it looks like a carp struggling in the net.

This dish features crispy carp bones, tender meat, and a strong sour and sweet taste. When scalding marinade is poured onto it, hot steam rises and fragrance overflows. The carp squeaks when absorbing the heat of the juice. With a pleasant smell and taste, it is a dish that draws in diners visually and auditorily and enhances the dining atmosphere.

Bazhen Tofu

Bazhen Tofu is a famous Tianjin dish with a full range of flavors. It will instantly melt in the mouth and leave behind a lasting delicious taste.

First, tofu is cut into pieces and deep-fried until it has a crispy crust; then eight raw materials are braised together with the fried tofu. The concept of “Bazhen” is defined differently. Because eating habits vary greatly from region to region and raw materials depend largely on local natural conditions, basically all the favorite food materials of a family can be made into "Bazhen", which includes ingredients selected locally and presents various unique features. Therefore, everyone in Tianjin perceives Bazhen Tofu in a different way.
