Chaoshan Congee Perfect for Winter


Guxiangsi Chaoshan Porridge

Adorned with beautiful antique ornaments, the restaurant is simple and elegant with wooden tables and chairs. Carved windows give one the illusion as if returning to the Qing Dynasty.The scene of Chaoshan people selling porridge is painted on the wall, which offers a novel pleasure to observe.

When the porridge is served, you may find it thick and sticky, added with clean shrimps inside. And the shrimps are well-handled for the sake of being tasty and edible. Some scallions and shredded ginger are also added. Drinking one bowl of porridge will definitely warm you up.

Address: F2, Huayuan Century Commercial Building, No. 88, Shuangqing Road, Haidian District 海淀区双清路88号华源世纪商务楼2楼

Huoji Chaoshan Porridge

The restaurant offers various porridge sets according to the number of diners and diverse ingredients to choose from. Once the freshly-made porridge is served, the smell of fresh fragrance in the air makes you want to eat it at once. The temperature of porridge is just right. The crackled rice,scallop, and coriander make up the savory porridge.Together with pickles, the porridge is a bite of delicacy.

Add: No.4, Guanghua road, Chaoyang district 朝阳区光华路4号 

Chaoshan Porridge

The casserole porridge tastes delicious with rich ingredients. It is not cheap, but the serving is generous. The pickle, made by the restaurant owner,is pretty yummy.

Add: F1, Hanting hotel, No. 16 A,Xidawang Road, Chaoyang district 朝阳区西大望路甲16号院汉庭酒店1层
