Yue's Manor


Here is the easternmost end of Beijing. Every day it is lucky to receive the first ray of sunshine into the capital. Wuling Valley is a col near Huayuan Village of Xinchengzi Town. The spring slowly flows throughout the year, emptying into the Andamu River and finally into Miyun Reservoir.

Yue's Manor is built by the side of Wuling Valley. A row of 8 big residence houses, mainly built by pebbles, cement and logs, form the main construction of the Manor, arranged according to the topography.

6 houses made of pebbly and logs reflect the natural and simple customs. Each house consists of 4 rooms, 2 toilets, 1 living room and 1 fireplace. The guest room has a 2*3.5 meters of heated brick bed and log furniture, and the living room has a fireplace and a card table.

Address: Garden Village (near Wuling Mountain), Xinchengzi Town, Miyun District (Village Road 251) 密云区251乡道新城子镇花园村(近雾灵山)

Tel.: 010-81023811
