Baicaopan Natural Scenic District


The full name of the area is Beijing Xiayunling Forest Park Baicaopan Natural Scenic District. It consists of seven scenic spots, namely Baicaopan, Kunpeng Gorge, Thyme Valley, Songlin Round City, Laodao Cave, Dragon Bone Stone Hall, and Xinglin Garden, famous for the total of 106 attractions, including the eight attractions on the mountain and eight under the mountain.

The eight attractions on the mountain include the Lilac Spring, Moon Admiring Pavilion, Morning Light on Mountain Peak, Wuzhi Peak, Sea of Clouds, Capital Lights, Ancient Cypress, and Gaoping Baicao.

The eight attractions under the mountain are the Fallen Stone, Pinewood Ocean, Anthill Thousand Hills, Prehistoric Monument, Roc Wings, Immortal Cave and Fairy Road, Pinewood Round City, and Dragon Worshipping by Mother and Son.

Together with the eight attractions on the mountain and eight under the mountain, there are 106 named attractions.

Baicaopan is 2,100m higher than the Beijing Plain at the top of the mountain and 800m higher than Beijing at the foot of the mountain. Therefore, it has a cool and pleasant climate in summer, making it a good place for summer vacations. There is Ruida Mountain Resort at 1,680m on the mountainside, where the temperature is 8-9℃ lower than that in Beijing in summer, and there is the Mountaintop Underground Hotel at 2,160m on the top of the mountain, where is 11-14 ℃ cooler than Beijing in summer.

According to survey, there are more than 200 Chinese herbs in Baicaopan, making it an important origin of wild Chinese herbs in northern China. It boasts a long history with regards to traditional Chinese medicine culture. There is the historic Chinese Yellow Emperor City of Zhulu County at 100km west of the meadow. It is the place where Shennong, one of the Three Sovereigns, is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs. Baicaopan will become the first park in China themed by traditional Chinese medicine culture. This meadow is not only a hanging garden but a natural treasure of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Address: Simatai Village, Xiayunling Township, Fangshan District 房山区霞云岭乡四马台村

Tel: 010-60369037
