Learning Chinese: jiànɡwēn


Chat attack

temperature drop



A: Why are you always wiping your nose? Did you catch a cold?


(nǐ zěnme yìzhí zài cā bízi, shì búshì ɡǎnmào le?)

B: Yeah. Some big winds caused the temperature to drop recently. I wasn't paying attention to the weather reports, so I wore short sleeves outside and then ended up catching a cold.


(shì a, zuìjìn tūrán ɡuā dàfēnɡ, dǎozhì jiànɡwēn, wǒ yě méi zěnme ɡuānzhù tiānqì yùbào, hái chuān zhe duǎnxiù zài wàimiàn dàochù zǒu,jiéɡuǒ bèi dònɡ ɡǎnmào le.)

A: You really are something. How can you not pay attention to your health and live such a sloppy life.


(nǐ kě zhēnxínɡ, yíɡè rén zěnme yìdiǎn dōu bú zhùyì shēntǐ, huó de zhème cūcāo.)

B: Well this cold made me learn my lesson. I'll definitely pay more attention from now on.


(shēnɡbìnɡ jiù xué ɡuāi le, yǐhòu wǒ yídìnɡ duō zhùyì.)

Global Times