Our Glass Bridge Experience at Tianyun Mountain


Problem of heights is not my fear but standing on sheets of glass is.

Two days ago, my friends and I took a trip to Beijing's Pinggu District where the Tianyun Mountain Scenic Area is to experience the glass passage.

This glass passage is about 200 metres long and has a width of 2 metres with an altitude of 1,149 metres.

It took us about 3 hours from where we were picked up to the scenic site by bus.

We then took a slow walk up the hill to where the ticket office for our admittance before we start this thrilling experience.

The five of us started the journey up the mountain on a high note by taking the cable car up the mountain.

When we reached the first glass passage, we were advised to wear covers before walking around the mountain, the first step we took was somewhat scary having to see all the tree top beneath us.

But as we moved further along the passage we all gained the confidence to walk around the mountain taking pictures.

We then decided to cross the glass bridge to the observatory, which was the highlight of our day.

The bridge was connected from another mountain to another giving tourists a better view to enjoy the fresh breeze, hear chirping birds and enjoy the beautiful greenery view from below them.

It was time to go.

On our way down, we took the stairs down and the long walk was awesome as we get to walk under the cooling shade of the trees passing by other tourists who were just making their way up the mountains.

Our legs were tired, I must admit but it was worth it because the place itself was beautiful.

So this is a must visit place for those who have not visited yet.

Melisha Yafoi contributes to the article. The ideas expressed are the author's alone, and do not represent the position of our website.
