Learning Chinese: xiǎozhònɡ jǐnɡqū


niche scenic areas


(xiǎozhònɡ jǐnɡqū)

A: The holiday is almost here. I want to go travel but don't know where to go. Do you have any suggestions?


(mǎshànɡ fànɡjià le,wǒ xiǎnɡ chūqù lǚyóu dànshì bù zhīdào qù nǎlǐ hǎo, nǐ yǒu shénme hǎo de jiànyì ma?)

B: You want to travel during the Labor Day holiday? Won't there be people everywhere? You would be better off going to some niche scenic areas that aren't as popular. You know, those ones that only a few people know about but still have pretty scenery.

五一假期出去玩儿? 那岂不是到处都是人? 你最好去一些比较冷门的小众景区,就是那些知道的人少但是风景又好的地方。

(wǔ yī jiàqī chūqù wán er? nà qǐ búshì dàochù dōu shì rén? nǐ zuìhǎo qù yīxiē bǐjiào lěnɡmén de xiǎozhònɡ jǐnɡqū, jiùshì nàxiē zhīdào de rén shǎo dànshì fēnɡjǐnɡ yòu hǎo de dìfanɡ.)

A: I should ask those friends of mine that like to go hiking. Perhaps they will have some suggestions.


(nà wǒ děi qù wènwèn nàxiē ài túbù lǚxínɡ de pénɡyǒu men, méizhǔn tāmen yǒu tuījiàn.)

Global Times