Customs of Gu Yu (Grain Rain, the 6th solar term)


Gu Yu (Grain Rain) as the last term in spring starts on April 20, which is the 6th one of the 24 solar terms. As an old Chinese saying goes "Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) signals the end of snow days while Grain Rain signals the end of frost days", the arrival of Grain Rain means that cold weather is basically over and the temperature rise is accelerating, which is the time when all things are in fast grow. Here are eight customs about the Grain Rain.

Outing on the day of Grain Rain

This is an old custom about Grain Rain when people visit relatives, friends or neighbors, or go for a walk in the wild, to experience nature atmosphere and strengthen physical fitness.

Drinking Tea

There is a custom in southern China that people pick tea on the day of Grain Rain. Drinking such a tea can remove heat from body, prevent bad luck and be good for eyes. So no matter what the weather is on this Day, people will go to Tea Mountains to pick some new tea and drink it. Why People Drink Tea on the Day of Gu Yu?  As the last solar term in spring, Gu Yu brings a marked increase in air humidity and rainfall, so the grains grow faster. In traditional Chinese medicine, moist environment may cause some discomfort.

Guyu Tea (a spring tea made during Gu Yu) nourished by spring rain is nutritious and benefits health with its pleasing aroma, soft and pure taste. It can drive away humidity, prevent diseases and strengthen human body. It is said that drinking such a tea will remove heat from the body, prevent bad luck and be good for eyes. No matter what the weather is on this Day, people will go to Tea Mountains to pick some new tea and drink it to keep health.

Eating Chinese mahogany

An old Chinese saying goes "Chinese mahogany before the rain is as tender as silk". Gu Yu is time to eat Chinese mahogany - a nutritious vegetable with refreshing taste.

Worship Cang Jie - the Ancestor of Pictograph (the Inventor of Chinese Characters)

The custom of worshiping Cang Jie (The Ancestor of Pictograph) in Baishui County, Shaanxi Province is a folk tradition that lasts for thousands of years since the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD). According to the legend, Cang Jie created writing characters and this tremendous contribution moved the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan Shi) who then rewarded him by a decree to bestow “grain rain in the sky”, and that is the origin of this custom. After that, the villagers will organize a temple fair to commemorate Chang Jie every year.

Blessing to the Sea

This is the time when sea water is warm and numerous fish gather together in shallow sea areas, so this is a good day for fishing in the sea, and fishermen will hold a ceremony to pray to the Sea God for good harvest.

Appreciating Peony

During Gu Yu, peony flowers are in full blossom, so peony is also called the Gu Yu Flower or the Flower of Wealth. As a Chinese saying goes "It is the great time to appreciate peony flowers three days after the Grain Rain" and this traditional custom has lasted for thousands of years.

Killing the Five Insect Pests

As temperature rising, days after Gu Yu enter a peak period of diseases and insect pests. In order to reduce damages to crops and people, farmers will kill insect pests in fields while post up Gu Yu pasters to drive away evil force and pray for good luck.

Bathing to Eliminate Misfortunes

During Gu Yu, river water is so precious in the northwest region that it is called “Peach Blossom water” in the past, because people believe that it can eliminate misfortunes if you bath in it. At the same time, there will also be celebrations like shooting and dancing.
