NCPA Drama Hamlet


Venue: Beijing Comedy Theatre

Date: March 02-10

“To be or not to be, that is a question.” For more than 400 years, Hamlet, the protagonist of William Shakespeare’s tragedy of the same name, has enthralled countless dramatists and scholars. The play tells a tale about how Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, revenged his dead father, thus unfolding a real-life picture of England and Europe. It truly is a profound tragedy teeming with vivid characters through superb artistry as the highest achievement of Renaissance literature. Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear and Othello form the so-called “Four Tragedies of Shakespeare.” On the 400th anniversary of his death, NCPA drama A Midsummer Night’s Dream and opera Macbeth have been put on show. To explore the quintessence of this drama maestro, NCPA brings us his other plays as well, especially much-expected Hamlet.