Eating less mutton on Yushui


The air is wet and hot in the Rain Water period, which is a good time for people to nourish and preserve their health. People always choose this time for their spleens and stomachs to recuperate. Different people can choose different ways to recuperate according to different situations—for example, by adjusting their bite and sup, building up their health with medicine and adjusting their daily activities.

To keep healthy, people should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits during this period. Foods like red dates, Chinese yams, lotus seeds, leeks, spinaches, oranges, honeys and sugars and canes are extremely good for people’s health. People can also cook porridges with the lotus seeds, Chinese yams or red dates to nourish their spleens and stomachs. However, oily food is bad for people’s health and should not be eaten too much.

In this period, mutton and dog meat should not be eaten too much because it may cause excessive internal heat in the human body. Instead, people should choose the root of straight ladybell, American ginseng, semen cassiae torae and white chrysanthemums and so on to keep fit in the Rain Water.

China Culture