Learning Chinese: cuī hūn


push to get married


(cuī hūn)

A: My mother keeps complaining all the time about how I don't have a boyfriend. It's really annoying.


(wǒ māma yì tiān dào wǎn lāo dao wǒ méiyǒu nán pénɡyǒu, zhēnshì fán sǐ le.)

B: It's still a bit early isn't it? You're so young and your parents are pushing you to get married?


(zhè yě tài zǎo le ba, nǐ cái zhème niánqīnɡ, jiāzhǎnɡ jiù kāishǐ cuī hūn le?)

A: Before college parents always are against young romance, but as soon as you get in college they start pushing for you to get married. Like a boyfriend or girlfriend is going to just fall out of the sky once you get into college.


(dàxué qián jiāzhǎnɡ yìzhí fǎnduì zǎoliàn, yí shànɡ dàxué yòu kāishǐ cuī hūn, hǎoxiànɡ nán nǚ pénɡyǒu dōu huì zài dàxué cónɡ tiān ér jiànɡ yíyànɡ.)

B: Haha, yeah that's an interesting metaphor.


(haha, zhèɡè bǐyù hěn yǒu yìsī. )

Global Times