Learning Chinese:chǒuwén





A: More and more stars are doing everything they can to get exposure before their films come out. Some are even willing to use scandals to gain attention.

越来越多的明星为了提高曝光度, 在作品上映之前通过各种途径炒作自己, 有的甚至不惜用丑闻来博得关注。

(yuèlái yuèduō de mínɡxīnɡ wèile tíɡāo bàoɡuānɡdù, zài zuòpǐn shànɡyìnɡ zhīqián tōnɡɡuò ɡèzhǒnɡ tújìnɡ chǎozuò zìjǐ, yǒude shènzhì bùxī yònɡ chǒuwén lái bódé ɡuānzhù.)

B: I can understand why they want to get attention, but won't revealing too much about their personal lives and allowing scandals to be topic of public conversation hurt their public image?

博取关注这一点我可以理解。但是过多地曝光自己的私生活, 让丑闻成为公众的谈资, 这不会有损他们的公众形象吗?

(bóqǔ ɡuānzhù zhèyīdiǎn wǒ kěyǐ lǐjiě. dànshì ɡuòduō de bàoɡuānɡ zìjǐ de sīshēnɡhuó, rànɡ chǒuwén chénɡwéi ɡōnɡzhònɡ de tánzī, zhè bùhuì yǒusǔn tāmen de ɡōnɡzhònɡ xínɡxiànɡ ma?)

A: Some people are willing to pay any price to achieve fame.


(kě yǒuxiērén jiùhuì wèile tíɡāo zhīmínɡdù ér bùxī rènhé dàijià.)

Global Times