The Ageless Legend of Landmark in Tianjin


Quanye Chang is called as the "city within a city" of Tianjin that the bustling modern  pattern is formed from Quanye Chang. In 2006, Tianjin Quanye Chang was chosen as the "China Time-honored Brand" by Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. Now, the near 80 years old landmark of Tianjin is still an ageless legend of the city.

From 1931 to 1939, it was the heyday of Quanye Chang only lasting for less than 10 years. During the anti-Japanese war period, after Tianjin was occupied, Quanye Chang suffered the soaring prices, economic depression and the sharp decline of people's purchasing power caused by war. Because of such scant purchasers, many shops lost money everyday without any profit. Shops were closed one after another that Quanye Chang at that time was almost close down.

The gathering function of Quanye Chang on cultural resources of Tianjin is exclusive that no other department stores could compare with. At the beginning of the establishment, Gao Xingqiao set up eight "Tian" in Quanye Chang referring to the eight entertainment venues with the Chinese character "Tian" in their names. Tianhuajing Theatre, Tianle Theatre, Tiangong Cinema, Tianhuixuan Theatre, Tianlu Tea House, Tianwei Billiards Club, Tianwei Bowling Club and Tianwaitian Roof Garden, the eight venues were successively opened on 4th to 7th floor of Quanye Chang.

Tianjin Tourism