Army Day Concert by PLA Military Band


Venue: Concert Hall

Date: August 01, 2017

Duration: Approximate 110 mins


ZHENG Lücheng

Arr. LUO Lang, NA La

Prelude March of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army


Arr. YU Jianfang

My Country

XIAN Xinghai

Arr. GUO Sida

Defend the Yellow River

LEI Zhenbang

Arr. JIA Shuang, WANG Hesheng

Trumpet Solo Why Are the Flowers So Red

Trumpeter: SHAO Yuchen

Arr. LI Chan, QU Chengjiu

Military Songs Assembly I Am A Soldier


Music: GUAN Xia

Orch. LI Xuhao

A Passionate Life

GUO Sida, LI Chan


Lyrics: SHUI Yu

Music: LIU Wei, ZHANG Haifeng

Arr. GUO Sida

Female Solo Veteran

Soloist: JIAO Nini

Classic Military Parade Song Salute to the Army Flag


Arr. CHEN Dan

Ode to the Motherland


ZHANG Haifeng

ZHANG Haifeng is a Chinese first-class conductor and the deputy director of the Military Band of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. He graduated from Conducting Department, Central Conservatory of Music, and was taught by Professor XU Xin, a Chinese famous conductor and educator. In 2001, he won the first place in the 14th World Music Contest and 9th Competition for Conductors in Holland. In 2008, he raised his baton at the performance of the National Anthem of the PRC at the closing ceremony of Beijing Paralympic Games. In 2009, he served as the deputy principal conductor of the Military Band at the Military Parade on the 60th National Day. Under his baton, the Military Band of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has given over one thousand important ceremonial performances and concert performances. In 2003, as one of the initiators, he founded China’s first wind band, which has so far given hundreds of performances. In 2014, as a senior visiting scholar, he went to George Mason University for further study. Successively, he raised his baton and recorded a number of excellent wind music albums including Golden Hurricane I & II, Big Apple, etc. In 2015, he served as the principal conductor of the Military Band at the Military Parade to mark the 70th anniversary of Chinese Victory in the Anti-Fascist War.


Military Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Military Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is affiliated to PLA General Political Department. After its inception in 1947, the band firstly performed the Chinese national anthem on the country’s founding ceremony in 1949. For more than 60 years, the Band has given more than 7,000 performances at major events including National Days’ Founding Ceremonies, Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, and Guangzhou Asian Games. As the only Chinese national-class wind instruments ensemble, the band has formed its unique music style of marching wind, popular wind, jazz as well as a combination of instrumental music (solo/ensemble) and vocal music. Each year, the band gives public performances to soldiers, as well as tours around the country. Since the late 1980s, the band has visited Thailand, Japan, France, Finland, Germany, Belgium, UK, South Korea, Australia, North Korea, Surinam, and the United States, having received great acclaim. So far, the band has produced and performed more than 2,000 wind music pieces and released hundreds of tapes, records, and monographs.