Kunqu Opera The Dream of Red Mansions

Kunqu Opera The Dream of Red Mansions


Venue: Theatre

Dates:May 06-07, 2017

Duration:Approximate 165 mins (No intermissions)


May 6th

A hard stone is left after Nvwa mends the sky. This stone admires the prosperous human world, so it is reincarnated in rich family with a new body. Because this boy is born with a jade in his mouth, he is named JIA Baoyu (jade). He and his cousin LIN Daiyu keep intimacy of childhood and fall in love. They jointly read Romance of the Western Chamber, and both enjoy first awakening of love. JIA Baoyu and XUE Baochai (JIA Baoyu's another cousin) are said to be "a perfect couple", which often makes LIN Daiyu sad. JIA Zheng (JIA Baoyu's father) mistakenly believes that JIA Baoyu fornicates with an actor, and JIA Huan (JIA Baoyu's half-brother) even falsely accuses that JIA Baoyu forces JIN Chuan’er (maid of JIA Baoyu's mother) to death. In violent rage, JIA Zheng beats JIA Baoyu with bamboo cane. When LIN Daiyu looks after the wounded JIA Baoyu, he presents a handkerchief with poem as a gift. Both lovers cherish affection as deep as the sea.

JIA Yuanchun (JIA Baoyu's elder sister) is selected as imperial concubine and plans for her mothering soon. JIA Family spends money like water and constructs a grand garden to welcome her. WANG Xifeng (JIA Baoyu's aunt) also makes a million at the cost of others' lives. JIA Zheng guides the proteges of the powerful to visit the garden. JIA Baoyu shows his talent by creating odes. JIA Family offers autumn feast to boast the wealth. JIA Yuanchun enjoys mothering, and JIA Family demonstrates extremely splendor.

May 7th

When JIA Baoyu sleeps in a state of vision and emptiness, he obtains the lyrics of "Dream of Red Mansions".

JIA Yuanchun presents gifts of Dragon Boat Festival, and recognizes JIA Baoyu and XUE Baochai as "a perfect couple".

With bitter sentiments, LIN Daiyu, holds flower funeral.

WANG Xifeng forces her husband's concubine to death. JIA Family launches self-inspection and punishment. JIA Baoyu’s jade is suddenly missing. JIA Yuanchun passes away. At the same time, JIA Tanchun (JIA Baoyu's sister) marries to a remote place, and SHI Xiangyun (JIA Baoyu's friend) and XUE Baochai relocate elsewhere. This ultimately causes JIA Baoyu’s madness. WANG Xifeng makes suggestion, and stealthily substitutes XUE Baochai for LIN Daiyu to marry JIA Baoyu on the hope to cure him.

Silly Sister divulges a secret. Then LIN Daiyu is informed of truth that JIA Baoyu is married with XUE Baochai, and she is dead after burning the handkerchief presented by JIA Baoyu. After entering into the bridal chamber, JIA Baoyu knows that he is cheated.

With JIA Baoyu's families and friends fall hard on times, the big JIA Family vanishes in the twinkling.

JIA Baoyu pays tribute to Daiyu's house. In the haze, he seems to meet LIN Daiyu's soul. Suddenly, he is enlightened: This world comes out to be a dream. This stone experiences multiple stories of the human world. It finally follows Miaomiao Immortal and Mangmang Immortal, and goes back to the vast space.


JIA Baoyu: WENG Jiahui

LIN Daiyu: ZHU Bingzhen (May 6th), SHAO Tianshuai (May 7th)

XUE Baochai: SHAO Tianshuai (May 6th), WANG Liyuan (May 7th)

WANG Xifeng: WEI Chunrong

JIA Baoyu's Grandmother: BAI Xiaojun

JIA Zheng (JIA Baoyu's Father): YUAN Guoliang

Madame WANG (JIA Baoyu's Mother): GU Weiying

Conductor: LIANG Yin

Drummers: LI Yongsheng (May 6th), ZHUANG Decheng (May 7th)

Chinese Flute Players: LIU Tianlu (May 6th), WANG Mengqiu (May 7th)


Northern Kunqu Opera TheatreFounded in 1957, Northern Kunqu Opera Theatre is China's only state-level Kunqu Opera performing organization in the north of Yangtze River. During half a century of art transmission, a large number of outstanding performing artists of Kunqu Opera joined in its transmission in northern China. In addition to inheritance of traditional repertoires, the Theatre also created and adapted Princess Wencheng, Conveying Jingniang for Thousands of Miles, GUAN Hanqing and other new repertories, and realized innovation and continuity of this art form in a new historical stage. Inherited from one origin, the Theatre has played a vital role in promoting inheritance and development of Kunqu Opera art in northern China.