Beijing Expo 2019 Flowers Show in Int’l Grape Expo Garden

Beijing Expo 2019 Flowers Show in Int’l Grape Expo Garden


Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition will be held in 2019. However, visitors in Badaling International Grape Exhibition Garden can enjoy more than 1,200 kinds of flowers for Beijing Expo 2019 in advance. "Close to Beijing Expo 2019 Flowers" activities were held yesterday. The activities will continue until June 10, with 60 yuan ticket price.

Yesterday, the International Grape Exhibition Garden was decorated with colorful flowers. There are indoor and outdoor exhibitions, according to an officer of the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition Coordination Bureau. Themed with "clothing, food, living and transportation", the indoor exhibition was designed by dozens of domestic outstanding florists. Visitors can touch the traditional grass dyed raw materials, feel the most natural color, experience the living model room decorated with horticulture elements and enjoy the green home.

1200 kinds of testing flowers are displayed in the outdoor exhibition. Three-dimensional flower beds themed with the mascots of the Beijing Expo 2019 have been built so that visitors can feel the wonderful part of the Expo in advance.
