Wine and Liquor

Wine and Liquor


Ancient Chinese were the first to discover wine and invent the technique of making wine and liquor. The earliest wine in the world was produced when grain, fruit and milk of beasts fermented under certain natural conditions. An ancient writer wrote that monkeys in mountains collected flowers and fruits and made wine for themselves. Though by accident, it was only natural for ancient people to discover the existence of wine; but the making of wine was indeed a great invention. Lushi Chunqiu (Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals), which was compiled in the 2nd century BC, writes that "Yi Di was the first to make wine." A book written in the Han Dynasty also says, "Yi Di was the first to make wine, and Shao Kang developed a fine wine." Judging from the wine vessels unearthed ih archaeological sites, wine making probably started in the period of the Yangshao culture, about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Very likely the technique was developed not by any master but by a group of people. However, people used to attribute it to several masters, the most well-known being Du Kang.

Due to natural and social conditions, it was not possible to make wine from wild fruits on a large scale. In China, a large grain producer, large-scale production of wine could be possible only when grain was used as the main material. Grains, though full of starch, cannot be directly fermented to turn out wine. The starch must first be saccharified to become glucose, and then the glucose may be fermented to become alcohol. The agent that helps to turn starch into glucose is a primitive yeast, which conies about when cereals mold and bud under wet and warm conditions. After a short period of saccharification, the cereals can turn out a wine that is light and sweet. From the primitive yeast, a distiller's yeast was developed, which contains rich amounts of microorganisms that are useful in making wine and liquor. The primitive yeast was later abandoned for it could only turn out light wine. According to earliest Chinese classics, the primitive yeast and distiller's yeast were first used in the 6th or 7th century BC.

Brewers and distillers in ancient China developed various yeasts and yeast-making techniques, including powder and cakes. Jia Sixie, a historian of science in the Northern Wei Dynasty, recorded 13 methods for making yeasts in his Qi Min Yao Shu (Important Arts for the People's Welfare). Using different yeasts and medicinal herbs, brewers and distillers turned out wines and liquors of different flavors.

The invention and application of hongqu (red yeast) in the Northern Song Dynasty marked a major achievement in wine and liquor making in China. Hongqu serves as a major yeast for making liquor in southeastern provinces in China, and it is also used to make vinegar and preserved bean curd. The red yeast is also a high-quality condiment and natural coloring for foods. The major microorganisms in hongqu grow very slowly under natural conditions. Brewers and distillers in ancient China developed various ways to accelerate the growth of the yeast.

Tiangong Kaiivu (The Exploitation of the Works of Nature) tells how the growth can be sped up: Select fine molds as the seeds, add alum to increase acidity and control the growth of unnecessary molds, and add water by steps to promote the growth of the yeast. The advanced techniques for making yeasts boosted the wine and liquor industry. Historian Jia Sixie recorded more than 40 methods for making wine and liquor. As a land of brewers and distillers, China now turns out the well-known liquors of Maotai and Wuliangye, and Zhangyu wine. From the above people can easily trace the source of these drinks.
