Let’s Escape Summer Heat at Yaoqiaoyu Village

Let’s Escape Summer Heat at Yaoqiaoyu Village


Yaoqiaoyu Village is located within an ancient castle, Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County, it has kept intact instead of hundred years of weather. Now it become one of the villages that develop into folk custom village.

Address: Yaoqiaoyu Village, Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County

Average Temperature in Summer: 5-6 degree centigrade lower than the downtown, 18-20 degree centigrade at night.

Accommodation and Dinning: 80-180 Yuan one night at farm household, but tourists must bring toiletries. There are specialties such as roast whole lamp, fish stewed with pot, bake corn, wild vegetable. The price is divided into 450 Yuan, 550 Yuan and 650 Yuan.

Contact No.: 81021970 or 81022484

Self-driving Route: Drive alongside Jingcheng Highway and steer out of Simatai Exit (Exit 24), then turn right and drive onto Songcao Road, and keep driving alongside the road for 12 km.

Bus Line: Take Bus No. 980 at Dongzhimen Station and get off at the terminal station, then transfer to Bus No. 38 to Yaoqiaoyu Village, Xinchengzi Town.
