Name: Beijing Wildlife Park
Star Rating: 4 star
Admission: Adults: 80RMB Students: 50RMB Seniors: 55RMB
Opening Hours: 08: 30 - 17: 00
Phone: 0086-10-96285360; 0086-10-89216666
Address: Donghulin, Daxing Yufa, Daxing District, Beijing

Beijing Wildlife Park is a large Ecological Park collecting animal protection, animal saving and wildlife training and reproduction. The park covers an area of 3,600 acres and brings together more than 10,000 rare wild animals of 200 species, including some very rare ones such as golden monkeys, green-tailed monals and brown-tailed monals and bustards as well.
In this park, you can watch animal shows by the elephants, golden monkeys, and various birds, like in most theme parks.
After the show, it takes only 2 minutes to reach the bus for a 30 minutes tour that takes you around the parts of the park with dangerous animals from the wild, including lions, wolves, African hunting dogs, tigers, bears, baboons, wild boars, connochaetes, Oryx gazella, etc.
At the end of the tour, you can take pictures with colorful parrots or marvel at how smart they are to take the big bills of money from your hand instead of the small ones. You can also watch many of the birds on display which are facing extinction. Special tropical bird exhibitions are arranged in the middle of the tour next to an area where you could feed and even talk to birds while they fly everywhere around you.
What makes the Safari experience completely different from any other zoo is, for the first time, you can see the animals and birds engaging in their natural active lives, prowling, hunting, grazing, pecking and playing.
Bus Routes:
1. Get on bus 943 at Yongdingmen and get off atBeijing Wildlife Park.
2. Get on bus 937 at Baiyunlu and get off at Beijing Wildlife Park.