The Fragrant Hill: A Journey of Pleasant Moments

The Fragrant Hill: A Journey of Pleasant Moments


The maple leaves of the Fragrant Hill are famous throughout China and many parts of the world. Almost anyone can experience the romantic feeling when climbing on the top of the mountain as they appreciate the beautiful red leaves.

October and November are the best times of the year for visiting the Fragrant Hill. Therefore, quite a large amount of tourists choose to visit the beauty of red leaves and take part in the Fragrant Hill Cultural Festival. Yesterday, the staff of visited the Fragrant Hill and we had a good time.

We especially loved it when we climbed the mountains and when we appreciated the beauty of the red leaves together. This trip is so wonderful that I am more than happy to share my emotional journey with you today.

Various nationalities were present on this day, which included Chinese, French, Russian, Latin American and many others. What made this trip wonderful and unforgettable was that we left from Wudaokou together and took an hour train to the Fragrant Hill area.

A Brief History of the Hill:

The Fragrant Hill is just one of the eight scenic areas of Yanjing because of its famous Xiangshan red leaves. According to the statistics, Xiangshan’s fall foliage has attracted 138,000 visitors, the highest in 23 Years.

Over 600 public buses made the journey from the city to Xiangshan in the last week alone. In fact, it was not so crowded when we got there yesterday.

Thus, we suggest that you can go to the Fragrant Hill on work days in order to avoid crowded people. At the foot of the Fragrant Hill, there are many stores which sell local products, for example electronic toys and some kinds of locals food. You can buy some souvenirs, but just remember to bargain if it is the first time in Beijing.

The beauty of the Xiangshan area is quite popular among most locals, particularly among children and elder people.

The beauty of the red leaves is different from the rose or the peony. When you experience the beauty of red leaves, you will love it. When I walked on the roads, which are full of red leaves, I believed that I was the only one walking and that everyone else wasn’t important at that time. I was completely indulging in the moment.

If you want to experience a route with more people, you can choose another direction.

You will hear Chinese pedlars shouting: “Xiangshan red leaves, five yuan.” There are also some artists performing Chinese Kongfu which was a surprise to many foreign visitors.

If you come to the Fragrant Hill area, it is recommended to take some pieces of red leaves with you when you leave. You can pick them up by yourselves and collect them. Those red leaves will lighten your rooms up and purify any area that you leave them in. It has been said in Chinese folklore that they may even cure the pains of your heart. If you want to experience the romantic feeling and appreciating the beautiful leaves, you should come here. We’re almost sure you will enjoy yourself here, just the way we did on our journey.

Address: The northwest foothill of mountain Xiaoxishan, Haidian District, Beijing

Telephone: 01062591264010

Ticket: 10 Yuan ( you can buy at )

Transportation: Take anyone of these buses

No. 318, 331, 333, 360, 733, 833, 714 or 634 to the Xiaoxishan area.

Please note that bus # 331 is not so crowded and that if you’re trying to avoid the crowds then that may be a better option.
