Beijing  Temperature:  13℃/13℃  Weather:  Cloudy  

Time Zone


The time difference between Beijing and various time zones around the world primarily depends on the differences in their time zones. Since Beijing is located in UTC+8 (Eastern Eight Time Zone), the time difference with other time zones worldwide can be calculated by determining the difference in time zones. Below are the time differences between Beijing and some major time zones:

Time Differences Between Beijing and Major Time Zones

UTC±0 (Coordinated Universal Time):

Time Difference: +8 hours (Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC)

Representative Cities: London, Dublin, Lisbon, etc.

UTC+1 (Eastern European Time):

Time Difference: +7 hours (Beijing time is 7 hours ahead of UTC+1)

Representative Cities: Paris, Berlin, Brussels, etc.

UTC+2 (Central European Time):

Time Difference: +6 hours (Beijing time is 6 hours ahead of UTC+2)

Representative Cities: Istanbul, Cairo, Athens, etc.

UTC+3 (Eastern European Summer Time/Eastern African Time):

Time Difference: +5 hours (Beijing time is 5 hours ahead of UTC+3)

Representative Cities: Moscow (standard time), Tel Aviv, Istanbul (during DST), etc.

UTC+4 (Samara Time/Gulf Standard Time):

Time Difference: +4 hours (Beijing time is 4 hours ahead of UTC+4)

Representative Cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kabul, etc.

UTC+5 (Pakistan Standard Time/Indian Standard Time +0.5):

Time Difference: +3 hours (Beijing time is 3 hours ahead of UTC+5)

Representative Cities: Yekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, etc.

UTC+6 (Bangladesh Standard Time/Omsk Time):

Time Difference: +2 hours (Beijing time is 2 hours ahead of UTC+6)

Representative Cities: Almaty, Dhaka, New Delhi, etc.

UTC+7 (Indochina Time):

Time Difference: +1 hour (Beijing time is 1 hour ahead of UTC+7)

Representative Cities: Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, etc.

UTC+9 (Japan Standard Time/Korea Standard Time):

Time Difference: -1 hour (Beijing time is 1 hour behind UTC+9)

Representative Cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, etc.

UTC+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time):

Time Difference: -2 hours (Beijing time is 2 hours behind UTC+10)

Representative Cities: Canberra, Sydney (during standard time), Melbourne (during DST), etc.

UTC+11 (Magadan Time/Solomon Islands Time):

Time Difference: -3 hours (Beijing time is 3 hours behind UTC+11)

Representative Cities: Majuro, Kwajalein, etc.

UTC+12 (New Zealand Standard Time/Cook Island Time):

Time Difference: -4 hours (Beijing time is 4 hours behind UTC+12)

Representative Cities: Wellington, Auckland, etc.


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