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Silk Road Connection: Contemporary Art Exhibition from Belarus opens at the National Art Museum of China


On August 30, the "Silk Road Connection: Contemporary Art Exhibition from Belarus," jointly organized by the National Art Museum of China and the Belarusian Artists Association, met the audience. The exhibition features 115 works created by eight contemporary Belarusian artists, covering art forms such as oil painting and printmaking.

Wu Weishan, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League and Director of the National Art Museum of China, stated that the beauty created by various ethnic groups around the world has its own distinct characteristics and values. They respect the creativity of diverse cultures and advocate for mutual learning among civilizations. Through these works, we can clearly capture the diverse appearance of contemporary Belarusian art and feel the artists' reflections and concerns on social changes, historical heritage, and cultural traditions. In recent years, under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the National Art Museum of China has been enriching cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Belarus through various forms such as exhibitions, artwork donations and collections, and participation in alliance building, thereby building bridges that connect the hearts of both countries.

The eight participating artists have observed the changes in the Belarusian cultural landscape with meticulous attention. Their works showcase Belarusian art's relentless exploration in the processes of modernization and internationalization, reflecting the artists' efforts to absorb international artistic trends and integrate them into their own national artistic language. The exhibition presents the unique visual images and charming artistic landscapes of contemporary Belarusian art.

The exhibition is displayed in Halls 13 to 17 on the third floor of the National Art Museum of China and will be open until September 8 (closed on Mondays).

Translator: FENG Haoxuan

Reviewer: Ding Hongwei


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