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Numismatic exhibition inaugurated to celebrate 75 years of China-Hungary relations


The "Golden Journey — Hungarian Numismatic History Exhibition" was inaugurated at China Numismatic Museum on June 19. Distinguished attendees included representatives from the People's Bank of China, China Numismatic Museum, the Hungarian Embassy in China, and the Central Bank of Hungary.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. To foster cultural exchanges between the two nations and promote numismatic culture, China Numismatic Museum, the Hungarian Embassy in China, and the Central Bank of Hungary have collaborated to host the "Golden Journey — Hungarian Numismatic History Exhibition".

China Numismatic Museum, a professional institution under the People's Bank of China, serves as a window to the comprehensive history of Chinese currency and numismatic culture. It enriches the public's understanding of Chinese history and culture through high-quality exhibitions and international collaborations. The museum boasts a rich collection of currencies, featuring both Chinese historical currencies and a significant assortment of foreign currencies, including Hungarian ones.

2024 marks the centennial of the Central Bank of Hungary, and to expand international cultural exchanges, the Central Bank of Hungary and the Hungarian Numismatic Museum have joined forces to create a cultural bridge through a series of exhibitions. This numismatic exhibition introduces Chinese audiences to Hungary's rich monetary and financial history.

This exhibition displays over 200 distinctive and iconic Hungarian coins and more than 20 copperplate prints, which narrate the Hungary's monetary evolution spanning over 1,000 years from the Árpád dynasty to the present. Highlighted pieces include the silver coins of Szent István, the gold florins of Charles Robert, the Maria Theresa thaler silver coins, coins from Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848–1849, and the pengő coins that vanished after the World War II. A special feature is the commemorative coin issued for the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Hungary and China, adorned with fauna and flora symbolic of both nations — bamboo representing enduring friendship, and the Chinese dragon and Hungarian Turul bird embodying the harmony and cooperation of the peoples.

The "Golden Journey — Hungarian Numismatic History Exhibition" is currently on display in the temporary exhibition hall of the Central Bank building at China Numismatic Museum. It offers a retrospective on the development of Hungarian currency and presents Hungary's economy, art, and historical culture, allowing visitors to experience the unique charm of cultural exchange. The exhibition will continue until July 15.

Translator: DING Zhizhong

Reviewer: LI An


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