Travel Tips | Temporary control around Longtan Temple Fair, Ditan Temple Fair, and Lama Temple


Today is the third day of the lunar new year. Many scenic spots and temple fairs in Beijing have large crowds. Beijing Traffic Management Bureau and Beijing Subway have issued temporary control measures.

Temporary control measures are implemented on multiple roads around the Longtan Lake

The Beijing Traffic Management Bureau just released a message that the traffic on the roads around Longtan Lake has suddenly increased and the traffic flow is large. Temporary traffic management measures are applied on the north-south direction of Zu'anmennei Dajie and Xizhaosi Jie, and the east-west main road exit of the South Second Ring Zu'anmen Qiao has also been closed. Please pay attention to detours for passing vehicles.

Control measures have been implemented on roads and subways around the Lama Temple and the Temple of Earth

From February 12th (the third day of the lunar new year) to February 16th (the seventh day of the lunar new year), Lama Temple Station of subway Line 2 and Line 5 will be closed from 10:30 to 15:30 every day. During this period, all trains on Line 2 and Line 5 will pass through Lama Temple Station without stopping, and transfers between Line 2 and Line 5 at Lama Temple Station will be suspended.
