Star Theater: art exploration in courtyard houses


In May 2023, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism launched the first batch of 15 performing arts space incubation projects on the city's performing arts service platform. In September, the Star Theater was selected for this initiative, receiving municipal-level support for the cultivation of performing arts spaces.

Situated on Xuanwumen North Street in Xicheng District, the Star Theater follows the philosophy of "producing drama, creating innovative theaters, advocating artistic living, and conveying humanistic care." It gathers domestic industry resources, pioneering an integrated operation model. The village serves as a cross-disciplinary cultural experiential art park, combining drama creation, theater operation, resident performances, copyright transactions, exhibition transactions, artistic merchandise design and development, themed dining, and literary bookstores.

Cultivating a cultural arts cluster by integrating traditional theatrical art and modern operational models with content as the core

Along the West Chang'an Street, various well-known Beijing landmarks such as Financial Street, Xidan, and the National Grand Theater stand tall. Amidst the modern architecture, there is a quaint "village" carrying the "folk drama sentiments" of old Beijing's Xicheng district – the Star Theater.

Initially, located at No. 64 Chaoshou Hutong, this building was an old-style courtyard. It later transformed into the Beijing Film Equipment Factory. In 2009, this old courtyard was reborn with the new identity of "Star Theater," becoming a representative of Beijing's Small Theater Cultural Industry Park. After fourteen years of development, it has evolved into a Chinese "drama brand" with the "small and medium-sized theater circuit" as its core. It boasts nearly 60 original drama IPs, an annual average of over 1300 performances, and a cumulative audience of around 6 million people.

Currently, Star Theater boasts five uniquely styled small theaters. These include a black box theater with a strong experimental vibe and adaptable space to meet performance needs, a proscenium theater suitable for traditional format performances, a fan-shaped theater facilitating close interaction between the audience and actors, and a small theater for rehearsals and small-scale performances. These theaters also host mobile station-style events and performances. In addition to the small theaters, the theater operates a themed art book bar, a cafe, an art gallery, and two cultural-themed restaurants. The integration of artistic entertainment and leisure functions makes it a "Broadway in the courtyard."

Since its inception, Star Theater has consistently prioritized content, focusing on market differentiation and anchoring itself in the innovative "integrated operation" model. The village has explored a systematic market operation mechanism that combines theater management and drama production. Deng Wei, the Senior Vice President and Chief Producer of Star Theater, explained, "In addition to having theater spaces, the theater has its own creative team, including producers, contracted directors, playwrights, and artists. Therefore, the theater village can produce content while also staging it."

New exploration in performing arts spaces, experience the ultimate charm of immersive theater

Adapting to the trend of a younger audience and recognizing the evolving market dynamics, Star Theater has introduced several immersive interactive productions tailored to the preferences of young people. The interactivity extends beyond the stage, integrating theater with diverse consumer scenarios, creating a new social space specifically for the younger generation.

“Young audiences have shifted from merely watching plays to a preference for interacting and communicating with actors. Some even express a desire to actively participate and become part of the performance. Therefore, immersive theater is highly appreciated by the younger generation.” Deng Wei mentioned, "The characteristic of performing arts spaces is that they bring audiences closer to the actors, enhance interactivity, and have social attributes, facilitating better integration with new consumer trends."

The immersive suspense theater production "Miss Julie" is an innovative exploration by Star Theater in creating an "entertainment space cluster." Through a comprehensive upgrade of both space and content, it offers audiences a completely new theatrical experience. The classic masterpiece "Miss Julie" was originally written by the Swedish literary master and "father of modern drama," August Strindberg. First performed in 1888, it has been adapted into films and stage plays worldwide over the years. This adaptation retains the essence of the classic work while boldly breaking through and innovating in the aspects of set design and costumes, giving it a modern twist.

The theater breaks away from traditional stage layouts, creating multiple performance scenes such as the main stage, kitchen, dressing room, and a retro wine cellar. The arrangement of audience seats is tailored to the plot and actor performances, divided into areas like "Count's Mansion," "First Scene," "Enchanting Wine Cellar," "Midnight Corridor," "Man's Home," "Panoramic View," and "Enter at Your Own Risk." In the kitchen, actors cook, turning to hand a plate of fried eggs to the audience for tasting. The front-row audience, just seconds ago watching the actors dance, is suddenly pulled into the dance floor, hand in hand, dancing together. "Miss Julie" creates a pulsating experience with its realistic and three-dimensional stage effects, offering a rhythmic impact distinct from traditional plays and evoking a surge of emotions for the audience.

To enhance audience immersion in both the theater and the performance, Star Theater has introduced mechanisms for interaction and communication. Before the start of each performance, there is a 20-minute interactive session outside the venue. The interactive scenes are related to the plot or the theme of the play, providing the audience with early exposure to some background and interaction related to the performance, leading to a more immersive experience during the show. After each performance, actors engage with the audience outside the venue, participating in activities like signing autographs and taking photos. They also create group chats, sharing performance photos and collecting everyone's viewing experiences.

Combining culture, commerce, and tourism to open a new chapter in the era of "Entertainment Space Clusters"

The creation of the "Entertainment Space Cluster" by Star Theater gathers a young, trendy, and dynamic crowd. It focuses on cross-disciplinary collaboration, innovation, and experiential offerings to achieve a format revolution. This initiative explores the synergy between new forms of performing arts and commercial activities, driving innovation in cultural tourism and attracting new consumer experiences.

In the realm of cultural consumption experiences, Star Theater revitalizes public spaces by establishing the "Books Beyond the Stage," a bookstore integrated with coffee, bar, and cultural and creative elements. In this theater, patrons not only enjoy unique performances but also partake in distinctive cultural services. The bookstore boasts over 5,000 books covering various categories such as drama arts, contemporary arts, stage design, and costume design. It serves as a public reading space with social and leisure attributes, fostering a unique spatial connection with the small theater cluster in Star Theater. This innovative approach transforms static reading into a three-dimensional experience, allowing more readers to immerse themselves in the charm of theatrical culture.

In 2024, a new performing arts space named "mumu plaza" under the Star Theater brand is set to open its doors. "Mumu plaza" is not just a theater; it's also a museum dedicated to the theme of "curtain." Leveraging a large-scale commercial format, it adopts a "theater & commercial complex" approach, creating a comprehensive performing arts space with "curtain" as the main visual element and a focus on family-oriented entertainment.

In the future, Star Theater plans to integrate its unique Beijing courtyard culture and introduce a series of immersive dramas tailored for performing arts spaces, along with long-term resident performances that embody the distinctive characteristics of Beijing's cultural tourism. As audience step into Star Theater, they can enjoy a more diverse and comprehensive theatrical experience, where art and life seamlessly blend without boundaries.
