Great Dating Restaurant Options | Maison FLO


With both outstanding design and atmosphere, there are some restaurants offer a complete sensory experience where you can enjoy delicious food and appreciate culture.

With a history of over a century, Maison FLO has been a popular spot for celebrities such as Picasso, former French President Mitterrand, Chanel, and Sophie Marceau. Maison FLO is a traditional French restaurant in Beijing that has won the "Best French Restaurant" award from the media for 15 consecutive years from 2003 to 2017. It is a subsidiary of the French FLO Group, established in September 1999.

As a successor of French cuisine and a promoter of French culture, the restaurant hopes to continue to bring different French lifestyles and cultures to its customers. At Maison FLO, you can experience the romantic French lifestyle.

Address: No. 18 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
