Interesting Animal World | Beijing Zoo


Beijing Zoo is located on Xizhimenwai Street in Xicheng District. It is one of the largest urban zoos in China with a history of over 100 years since the 32nd year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty (1906). Beijing Zoo is divided into three areas, the main entrance is located in the eastern area, and the Beijing Aquarium is located in the northern area (requires separate admission).

The zoo is home to precious Chinese animals such as pandas, snub-nosed monkeys, siberian tigers, thorold's deer, père David's deer, and red-crowned cranes, as well as representative animals from around the world such as African chimpanzees, Australian kangaroos, jaguar, Mexican manatees, and European bison. Hall of amphibians and reptiles is with two floors and displays over 100 species of reptiles from around the world, including the world's largest crocodile, the saltwater crocodile. Visitors can choose their favorite venues according to the signs in the park or the official guide map.

While visiting the zoo, you can also go to the science museum to learn about animal knowledge. The science museum often holds various science lectures, and the specific time and courses can be found on the official website. The zoo is shaded by trees and has a large green area, making it very suitable for outings. The "Huguo Temple snacks" in Beijing has a branch in the park.
