2023 "Great Wall Hero - Beijing Central Axis City Walk" | Beijing's Hutong Culture


Guest for Experiencing: Abdelaziz Ahmed Abdelaziz Mahmoud Sallam from Egypt

In this episode, the guest explored many unique Beijing hutongs (narrow alleyways) by cycling, getting a glimpse into the lives of the hutong residents and experiencing the vibrant grassroots culture within the hutongs. During this travel experience, he joined local Beijing residents for morning exercises in Zhonglouwan Hutong, delved deeper into Beijing hutong culture at the Shijia Hutong Museum, and leisurely strolled through the hutongs around Shichahai Park on a traditional pedicab.

The guest believes that hutongs provide a sense of comfort, allowing people to find inner peace and savor the slow-paced life, while experiencing the unique charm of traditional culture and humanistic vibes.
