Nanhaizi Park in Beijing: the largest wetland park in the southern city


Nanhaizi Park is located on the south side of the fifth ring road in the northeast of Daxing District, between Daxing New Town and Yizhuang New Town. Blue sky, clear water, flowers, and green leaves make up a harmonious and beautiful natural landscape.

Passing through the Zhuque welcoming landscape, there is a ancient archway standing in the middle of a wide square. The three inscribed gilded characters "Nan Hai Zi" written by Emperor Qianlong can be seen on the archway, which exudes the strong and majestic calligraphy of the emperor despite the vicissitudes of hundreds of years.

Historically, Nanhaizi Park was the largest wetland in Beijing, but it gradually became a dirty and messy landfill. After wetland restoration, garbage harmless treatment, and landscape restoration, it has now become a beautiful wetland park. Upon entering the park, a green lake surface and the beautiful weeping willows along the lakeside catch the eye. The greenery instantly puts people in a relaxed mood. The park is large, the environment is clean and tidy, there are many flowers and plants, and a faint floral fragrance fills the air. The lake water is calm and clear, and various trees and many blooming flowers grow along the lake. The reflections sway in the breeze, creating a dreamy scene.

Reed marshes, willow trees, and deer cries are poetic images that can be found in Beijing Nanhaizi Park, where the last group of wild elks in the north live. On weekends, visitors can not only observe wetland birds but also rare wild elk.

Today's Nanhaizi Park has swept away the past decay and is now filled with clear waters and lush grass. Flowers bloom in all seasons. Nanhaizi Park and the Olympic Forest Park in the north of Beijing respond to each other and become another ecological green space on the central axis that runs through the north and south of Beijing.

Translator: ZHAO Huinan

Reviewer: WANG Yiwen
