Eight Views of Yanjing | Qiong Dao Chun Yin and Yu Quan Bao Tu


Qiong Dao Chun Yin

When he came to Qiongdao in Beihai Park, the Qianlong emperor wrote a poem and four big characters of “Qiongdao Chunyin” after looking at the grand scenery. It can be seen from the poem and words of the Qianlong Emperor that in those days the beauty of spring in Qiongdao made people feel refreshed. It was worthy of being one of the "Eight Views of Yanjing".

The "Qiongdao Chunyin" monument stands in the northeast corner of Qiongdao. Enter from the east gate of Beihai Park, cross the white jade bridge and turn to the right, then you can see it. This stele is rectangular, the four frames of the stele are engraved with entwined branches, and the stele is engraved with the four characters written by Qianlong. Every year in March and April, the golden forsythia and purple cloud-like lilacs next to the stone stele begin to exude fragrance, and the antique stone stele and the refreshing flowers reflect each other, attracting tourists to take photos here.

Recommended attractions nearby: Beihai Park, Jingshan Park, Shichahai, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Nanluoguxiang

Yu Quan Bao Tu

During the Jin Dynasty, a royal palace was built on Yuquan Mountain, and Jin Zhangzong named the landscape where the jade spring gushed "Yuquan Chuihong". When the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty expanded the Jingming Garden of Yuquan Mountain, he believed that the "Chuihong" should be a spring flowing from top to bottom, but this spring was like the "Baotu Spring" in Jinan, Shandong, gushing upwards from the bottom of the pool, so he changed the "Yuquan Chuihong" to "Yuquan Baotu".

Now Kunming Lake is no longer flowing with the water of the Jade Spring, but the water of the Miyun Reservoir drawn by the Jingmi Aqueduct. But the shadow of the sparkling pagoda reflected by the water is still a beautiful scenery on the shore of Kunming Lake.

Recommended attractions nearby: Summer Palace, Old Summer Palace, Beiwu Park, Zhongwu Park, Yudong Park

Translator: BAO Minmin

Reviewer: ZHANG Ruochen
