World Cultural Heritage Sites in Beijing | The Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven


The Summer Palace

In 1998, the Summer Palace was added to the World Cultural Heritage List.

The Summer Palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in 1750 during the Qianlong period of the Qing Emperor and mainly consisted of Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain. There are more than 100 scenic buildings, more than 20 large and small courtyards, more than 3,000 ancient buildings, and more than 1,600 ancient trees and famous trees, covering an area of more than 70,000 square meters. 

The artificial landscape in the park is harmoniously integrated with the natural mountains and open lake, which has high aesthetic value and can be called a masterpiece in Chinese landscape design. 

Every year in mid-March, the peach blossoms in the Xidi of the Summer Palace are in full bloom, the slender peach branches stretch out to the surface of the water, and the clear Kunming Lake and the peach blossoms compose a beautiful picture. Next month, come here with your friends to appreciate peach blossoms in the Summer Palace.

Ticket Reservation: WeChat public account of "Summer Palace"

Temple of Heaven 

In 1998, the Temple of Heaven was added to the World Cultural Heritage List. Located at the southern tip of Beijing, the Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties made annual sacrifices to the heavens and prayed for a bountiful harvest of grains. The Temple of Heaven's rigorous architectural layout, peculiar architectural structure and magnificent architectural decoration enjoy great reputation at home and abroad. 

The Temple of Heaven covers an area of 273 hectares and is divided into two altars. The inner altar is composed of two parts: a round mound and Qigu altar, and the outer altar is a forest area, with extensive trees and more than 3,500 ancient pines and cypresses. The representative buildings of the Temple of Heaven mainly include the Hall of Prayer, the Circular Mound Altar, the Imperial Vault, the Zhai Palace, etc. 

In December 2022, the Temple of Heaven launched a new cultural and innovative space named "Tiantan Shiguang". It was selected as the "2022 Beijing Internet Famous Place".

Ticket Reservation: WeChat public account of "Temple of Heaven"

Translator: BAO Minmin

Reviewer: WANG Yiwen
