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Erguotou is a specialty of Beijing. People cannot forget it for a long time after drinking it. Erguotou is brewed in the special natural environment of Beijing through the characteristic Erguotou production techniques. Erguotou is made by only taking the second pot of wine. In the brewing process, firstly add cold water to produce the first pot of wine. This pot of wine is spicy, strong and mixed with more impurities, and it is very uncomfortable after drinking, so the first pot of wine is abandoned. Experienced winemakers observe the hops to determine the content of impurities, and when the hops gradually become larger, they can add cold water, and the second pot of wine is finished. This pot has no impurities, and the degree is suitable. it is sweet and refreshing. As the hops change from large to small, the cold water is added for a third time, and a third pot of wine with lower degree, which can be distilled repeatedly.

The degree of Erguotou is higher, which can reach more than 70 degrees, so the Qing Dynasty people called it "Shaodaozi", which means that drinking it is like a knife stirring between the internal organs. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the degree dropped to 65 degrees, and that degree is still high. With the technological progress of blending wines, the 56-degree Erguotou appeared. Later, with the development of degree-reduction technology, now the 42-degree and 38-degree Erguotou wine appeared.

The production technology of Erguotou is no longer limited to "three pots" and "adding cold water" as the world changes. But its process principle is still the same, which includes different stages of production and extraction according to different qualities of the wine. In addition to the same production principle, the traditional way of touching by hand and seeing hops is still continuing. In addition to modern instrument testing, the brewing process also needs the winemakers’ experience which can be helpful in deciding when to make distiller's yeast, whether the temperature is appropriate, and the current degree of wine. Experienced winemakers can know the degree of the wine by looking at the hops size, which is both fast and accurate.

Places to buy Erguotou: shopping malls and supermarkets in Beijing
