2022 Internet-popular Tourist Spot | T·A Club Tea & Book Bar


Address: Room 201, 5th Building, No. 30, Shixing Street, Shijingshan District, Beijing

T∙A Club Tea & Book Bar consists of a light music area and quiet reading area in the hall; single and double study areas; Chinese tea room, Japanese tea room, and conference room. It is an excellent place for studying, relaxing, and hosting a small salon or book-sharing session.

In addition to the pleasant environment, it also provides a variety of tea drinks and refreshments for consumers who love learning, including flower and fruit tea, flavored tea, black tea, white tea, flower tea, Pu'er tea, and so on. The bar strives to deliver good logistic services, providing facilities for printing and copying, wireless screen projection, self-service storage, eye-protection desk lamps, as well as cats that accompany you to relax, etc.
