Beijing Zoo Smart Tour


Founded in 1906, Beijing Zoo is the earliest zoo opened in China, according to Zhang Chenglin, deputy director of Beijing Zoo in charge of popular science education. Covering an area of about 80.05 hectares, the zoo currently raises and exhibits more than 5000 with over 430 kinds. There are also 198 kinds of plants and more than 10 cultural relics and ancient buildings. Beijing Zoo receives more than 9 million visitors every year. It is the national cultural protection unit and advanced science popularization unit.

Where should we start to visit such a large area and so many kinds of animals in Beijing Zoo? Zhang Chenglin took out his mobile phone and introduced. Relying on navigation technology, Beijing Zoo launched "Beijing Zoo Smart Tour", the popular science guide system. There are two intelligent "tour guide" routes, which can guide tourists to the most reasonable route to visit. In this way, the maximum number of animal species can be seen, and the phenomenon of repeated walking can be avoided.

The operation is very simple. Click on the Beijing Zoo wechat public account, and find the "Beijing Zoo Smart Tour" popular science guide system. There are two tour lines. The first is "Star Animals" line. Visitors can enter from the main entrance, and see the giant panda, polar bear, elephant and other 16 kinds of popular animals along the eastern line of the zoo; The second "Beak and Wisdom" route, starting from the south shore of Waterfowl Lake and traveling west, can take visitors to understand the beak of a variety of birds.
