Beijing World Flower Wonderland Park


Beijing World Flower Wonderland Park is located in the middle road of South Fourth Ring Road, Fengtai District. It contains six ornamental greenhouses and more than ten garden squares. It is a large botanical garden with unique features and suitable for all ages, with more than 2,000 kinds of plants in tropical, subtropical, desert and temperate climates.

When you enter the Tropical Plant Hall, you feel like you are entering Alice's wonderland. You can see the Ficus microcarpas and the Buddha's belly trees that are more than 300 years old. There are also the winding paths in the Flower Hall, the bucolic atmosphere of the vegetable and melon orchard, the Adenium obesum and the Pachypodium lamerei Drake fruit in the desert plant hall...... Walking, watching and photographing, visitors can spend hours wandering around.

Autumn is colorful in Beijing World Flower Wonderland Park. Golden ginkgoes, red maple leaves, chrysanthemums in full bloom, all can be seen here.

In early November, the 13th Chrysanthemum Competition will be held in Beijing World Flower Wonderland Park, where more than 1,000 pots of rare chrysanthemum varieties from more than 40 companies in China will be displayed.

In addition, there are plant maze, children's park, cute pet park and so on. All ages will play a lot of fun here.

Address: No.235, South Fourth Ring Mid Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
