13th China Art Festival | 26 repertoires to be presented online


The 13th China Arts Festival, co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipal People's Government and People's Government of Hebei Province, will open in Beijing on September 1. 

According to reports, from August 29, 13 high-quality plays from major theaters across the country, covering drama, Peking Opera, opera, musical, Cantonese opera, dance drama, symphony sound and painting, etc., will be staged in Beijing in turn. At the same time, there will be 26 wonderful performances online during the same period. On the show, the audience will be presented with a splendid literary feast.

It is understood that the 13 participating repertoires will not only be staged in major theaters in Beijing, but will also be broadcast online. At that time, multiple online platforms such as "Cultural Travel Beijing (文旅北京)" Douyin (抖音), Kuaishou (快手), Weixin Channels (腾讯视频号) and Beijing Daily Client (北京日报客户端) will be broadcast live simultaneously.

In addition, extra 13 performances, including Qin Opera Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang, Henan Opera Chongdugou, Hebei Bangzi Li Baoguo, drama Liu Qing, opera Road, opera Love in Songmaoling, dance drama The Eternal Wave, etc., will be broadcast online in September, providing audiences with high-quality and more convenient artistic enjoyment. 
