More than 20 featured activities are now in "Flower Street" in Fengtai District


Flower auctions, flower specialty markets, lotus photography competitions, competitions of chrysanthemum ... On August 1, the reporter learned from Fengtai District that in the near future, Fengtai District will launch more than 20 “Flower +”special cultural activities with "Garden -Beijing Garden of World's Flowers" and "Flower Street - Beijing Flower Trading Center" as the core location of the activity, enrich the citizens' "flower appreciation"and "buy flowers" experience, and create a diversified flower consumption experience model for Beijing citizens in "Flower Street".

As soon as you enter the door, the fragrance of flowers will come across your soul. At the Beijing Flower Trading Center on Caoqiao East Road in the South Fourth Ring Road, the newly created new flower consumption block makes people feel as if they are in the world of flowers. Here, in the "Stone Bamboo Scene" shop, the bonsai and the mood fit perfectly, over there, in the "Qingyan Xiang" shop, the Mentougou District-level intangible cultural heritage - ancient handmade incense makes the store fragrant. In the "Neighbor Floral Art" shop, the aircraft grass, Buddha belly bamboo, ball orchid - black Barton, fiery red ball orchid and other various popular green plants have attracted many flower-raising and flower-viewing enthusiasts to come to "punch in".

In addition, there are also delicious delicacies such as flower cakes, lotus shortbread, flower health tea, osmanthus wine, flower god ice cream, as well as activities of interactive experience such as lotus photography competition, Hanfu Cultural Festival. Flower auctions, photo exhibitions on the theme of protecting nature, flower specialty markets, the third lotus photography contest and other activities are also held here, and most of the activities can interact with the public through online live broadcasts.

Lin Qiaoling, chairman of Beijing Green Garden Group, introduced that Fengtai District is taking the Beijing Garden of World's Flowers as the core, planning to build a city vitality center with flower characteristic, and laying out "flower +" characteristic industrial clusters such as "garden", "flower street", "flower market", "flower breeding", "flower shadow" and "flower food". Since August, Fengtai District has planned more than 20 "Flower +" special activities and the 100-day public welfare action of "Entering the Beauty of forest city blooming communities" to further enrich the public's experience of "flower appreciation" and "flower buying" and promote the consumption of flower products.

Translator: WANG Jiahui

Reviewer: LIU Yu
