China National Botanical Garden officially inaugurated


On April 18, China National Botanical Garden was officially inaugurated in Beijing. With a total planning area of nearly 600 hectares, the National Botanical Garden is established on the basis of the existing resources of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Beijing Botanical Garden to expand and increase its efficiency.

China National Botanical Garden is the core component of the national botanical garden system. It will adhere to the concept of national representation and social public welfare, aim to build into a national botanical garden with Chinese characteristics, world-class, and harmony of all things, give full play to the core functions of plant relocation and conservation and scientific research, and provide important support for China's biodiversity conservation strategy.

China National Botanical Garden plans to focus on collecting more than 30,000 species of plants native to the three northern regions, representative plants of the northern temperate zone, representative plants of different global geographical divisions and rare and endangered plants, and collect 5 million specimens of representative plants from five continents. It will successively complete projects such as the Plant Science Research Center, Herbarium II, Germplasm Resources Preservation Center, Relocated Conservation Research Center, Five Continents Greenhouse Cluster, 28 specialized display areas, and National Nature Education Base. It will also establish cooperative relationships with botanical gardens and professional institutions in hundreds of countries to build an international first-class national center for relocated plant conservation, scientific research and exchange, strategic resource reserve and scientific communication.

China National Botanical Garden will give full play to the functions of plant relocation and protection, scientific research, popular science dissemination and gardening and horticultural display. It will strive to promote the construction of ecological civilization, tell the story of beautiful China, and make positive contributions to the construction of an earth home where man and nature live in harmony!

Source: China National Botanical Garden

Transalted by LIU Yu
