Spring Flower Viewing Guide in Haidian Park


In April, the atmosphere of spring becomes stronger and stronger in Haidian Park, with cherry blossoms, begonias and other flowers entering their best viewing period one after another. Come and enjoy the flowers in Haidian Park with your family!

1. Winter jasmine

Yingchun(winter jasmine) is the jasmine genus of osmanthus. Native to China as a garden and bonsai flower, it is one of the first flowers to bloom in the north. The brown branches are covered with small yellow six-petaled flowers, giving people a sense of spring.

2. Mountain peach flower

Mountain peach flower is a genus of peach in the Rosaceae family. As a wild plant, not only are its flowers ornamental, but its fruits are also edible. Moreover, the seeds, roots, stems, as well as the bark and leaves, are special materials that can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.

3. Yulan magnolia

Yulan magnolia is a deciduous tree of the Magnolia family. It is native to the central provinces of China and is now cultivated in Beijing and south of the Yellow River Basin. It is a famous flowering tree in China and an important flowering tree in early spring in the south. The flower crown is cup-shaped and resembles a lotus flower. When in full bloom, the petals spread in all directions, providing great ornamental value.

4. Cherry blossom

Cherry blossom is the collective name of all species of the subgenus Sakura of the genus Plum in the family Rosaceae. The cherry blossom species are quite numerous with more than 300 varieties. There are about 150 kinds of wild cherry blossoms in the world, and there are more than 50 kinds in China. Among the ancestral wild species of about 40 kinds of cherry blossom plants in the world, there are 33 kinds native to China.

5. Forsythia

Forsythia belongs to the family Myrtaceae. It is usually found in the wild slopes of mountains, and is also cultivated in various places. The root (forsythia root) , stem and leaves (forsythia stem and leaves) of this plant are also used for medicinal purposes. It is bitter in taste and slightly cold in nature.

6. Flowering peach

Flowering peach is a member of the Rosaceae family and it blooms from March to April. They are multi-petaled, pink and charming.

7. Armeniaca

Armeniaca, one of the main cultivated fruit tree varieties in northern China, is characterized by early maturity, bright color, juicy flesh and sweet flavor. At the turn of spring and summer, it occupies an important position in the fruit market and is quite popular. The fruits have good medical effects and play an important role in Chinese herbal medicine.

8. Flowering plum

Flowering plum is named after the leaf resembling elm leaves, and is a commonly cultivated early spring flowering tree in northern China. It is a deciduous shrub of 3-5 m high, with fine hairless branches or slightly pilose when young. The hemispherical plant is covered with brightly colored flowers, which are very beautiful and spectacular.

9. Malus micromalus

Malus micromalus, with rounded or elliptical leaf eggs, is 5-10 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. The flowers have 3-6 flowers in umbels, with 5 being the majority. The flowers open after the leaves and are pale pink or white, about 5 cm in diameter. The fruit is flat and round, or a few are suborbicular or even ovoid, with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm.

Address: No. 2, Xinjian Gongmen Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Opening hours: High season (April 1-October 31) 6:00-21:30; Low season (November 1-March 31) 6:30-21:00

Ticket Price: Free

Metro Route: Take line 4 or line 16 and exit at Xiyuan Station C1, then go south about 1,000 meters to the park.
