Come to the land of Yan and Zhao to experience the red culture


Today, 75 years ago, the Chinese people won the great victory in the Anti-Japanese War; after 75 years, we will remember history, build on past achievements and strive for new progress. Remain committed to the mission and always keep it mission in mind, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! Hebei is an old revolutionary base area with numerous red tourism resources and outstanding features, making it a unique province of red tourism. With awe, let us go to these places to cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, experience the red culture, and receive patriotic education.


Xibaipo is located in the middle of Pingshan County, Hebei Province. It was the seat of the Central Working Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army during the War of Liberation. In May 1947, Liu Shaoqi and Zhu De led the Central Working Committee to come and stay in Xibaipo. In May 1948, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Ren Bishi led the former Central Committee and the People’s Liberation Army headquarters to Xibaipo to join the Central Working Committee.

The Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao commanded the Liaoshen, Huaihai, and Pingjin battles, and held the Second Plenary Session of the 7th CPC Central Committee of Great Historical Significance and the National Land Conference to liberate the whole of China. Therefore, it gained the reputation of “where the New China comes from”, “the village where China’s destiny was set”. It is one of the sacred places of China’s revolution and a national key cultural relics protection unit.

The red attractions in Xibaipo include the former site of the CPC Central Committee in Xibaipo, Xibaipo Memorial Hall, bronze statues of the five secretaries, Xibaipo Monument, and Xibaipo Youth Civilization Park.

Address: Xibaipo Town, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City

Site of the Headquarters of the 129th Division

The former site of the headquarters of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army is located in the centre of Chi‘an Village, Shexian County, Handan. It consists of three courtyards with residential styles in southwestern Hebei. Here is a collection of important departments such as the headquarters of the 129th Division, the headquarters of the Taihang Military Region, the Taihang Branch of the North Central Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Party Committee of the Taihang District, the former residence of Liu & Deng, the Central Bureau and the headquarters of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan Military Regions.

Walking into the former headquarters, you can find small rooms and offices. It is this simple furnishings and dilapidated houses that accompanied the heads through the most difficult years during the War of Resistance.

House on the west is the office of division commander Liu Bocheng. Liu’s office is about 5㎡, with a table, two chairs, a kerosene lamp, a magnifying glass on the table, and an envelope and a sketch map on the wall.

During the war and in such a small office, Liu Bocheng issued nearly a hundred combat orders, instructions, work deployments, military summaries, and summary reports on Party, government and army building. Here, he planned the Shangdang and Ping-Han Campaigns, formulated the “Ping-Han Campaign Operation Plan” and strategic deployment, and wrote important military treatises such as Technical Guidance for the Ping-Han Campaign.

Adjacent to the division commander’s office is the dormitory office of Chief of Staff Li Da. Comrade Li Da is a hard-working builder in our military staff. In order to strengthen the construction of the headquarters of our army at all levels, he has devoted a lot of effort from the scientific establishment and reform of the organizational structure to the training of the professional quality and ideological style of staff officers.

The office of Deng Xiaoping’s political commissar is located in the east house of Liu & Deng’s former residence. During his time in She county, in addition to assisting Liu Bocheng in commanding military struggles, Deng Xiaoping led the Party, government, military and base areas in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border areas in the long-term guidance of the struggle in the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines. In economic construction, particularly, in order to break the enemy’s economic blockade, various measures have been taken to ensure military demand and civilian use in the border areas, accumulating rich experience in economic construction and systematic theoretical summary.

Here, the division commander Liu Bocheng and political commissar Deng Xiaoping strategized and made a decisive victory. They commanded the soldiers of the 129th Division to conquer several battles, occupying critical military locations, and set up the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan anti-Japanese bases despite difficulties.

Here, Chief Liu and Deng made decisions and commanded the revolution and production construction in the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas, held many important military meetings, made decisions and deployed many major battles and campaigns, issued many orders and instructions, as well as many major policies.

In the former headquarters site, the dormitory offices of General He Zhengwen, Zhang Tingfa, Li Xuefeng, Zhang Panshi, and Lai Ruoyu are still preserved. Each of them has gone through an unforgettable difficult journey here. The 129th Division also grew from more than 9,000 people when it arrived in Taihang in early October 1937 to more than 300,000 people after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, forming the famous “Liu & Deng Army”. The Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan Border Region has also become one of the most consolidated anti-Japanese base areas in North China.

TThese achievements and victories were the result of the resolute implementation of the Party’s policies during the Anti-Japanese War, the result of the bloody battles led by Commanders Liu & Deng of the 129th Division as well as the heroic struggle of the Party, government, military and civilians in the entire region. Countless cadres, soldiers and people have sacrificed their precious lives. They will always be missed and remains alive in our hearts!

Now that the year of war has passed, the place where the chiefs lived in battles have been well-preserved. The 129th Division spirit of “not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of sacrifices, brave to take responsibility, and brave to win” will always be the unremitting driving force for us to forge ahead!

Address: Chian Village, She County, Hebei Province

Langya Mountain Scenic Area

Langya Mountain is located in the southwest of Yixian County, Hebei Province. It is composed of 5 hills and 36 Peaks. The main peak Lotus Petals has an altitude of 1105m. The mountain is tall and steep, like giant wolf teeth with uneven length, hence it is named “Langya (wolf teeth) mountain”. The main peak Lotus Petals has an altitude of 1105m. There are two cliffs on the northwest and southeast side are slightly low. Each has a super narrow path leading to the main peak. At dangerous places such as “Hades Nose” and “Little Ghost Face”, you still have to walk closely next to the wall. Climbing high and looking afar, there are numerous steep peaks, which look like fangs, and the mist of the stream is mysterious and unpredictable.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army swept Langya Mountain, and in order to cover the retreat of the main force, the Eighth Route Army fighters Ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, and Song Xueyi fought fiercely for 5 hours. After shooting the last bullet, they bravely jumped off the cliff.

In 1942, to commemorate the feats of the Five Heroes, the Five Heroes Memorial Tower was built in Qipantuo, the main peak of Langya Mountain. It was rebuilt in 1958 and Marshal Nie Rongzhen wrote the characters “Langya Mountain Five Warriors Memorial Tower”. “Langya Jingxiu” is one of the ancient landscapes of the ancient Yandu, known as the “Little Huangshan Mountain in North China”. The main landscapes include red agate cave, Qipantuo and so on. Langya Mountain is a national patriotism education base, a national forest park, and one of the 100 classic red tourist attractions in China.

Red Agate Cave

Langya Mountain Red Agate Cave is near the scenic spot of Xitianmen. It was discovered by three villagers in Dongxishui Village on April 28, 1992. The entire body of Langya Mountain is composed of limestone, and a large number of karst caves constitute a great wonder of Langya Mountain. The karst cave here is yet the largest one being discovered. This cave was originally named “Tianjing”. It is said that it was a blessed place for the ancestors of Wang Chan to meditate and participate in Zen. The unique colour and shape of the stalactites in the cave are extremely rare. The cave is divided into five layers and runs diagonally downward from north to south. The first layer is a 30-meter shaft, and the second layer is brown stalagmites mixed with white stalactites. Some of those stalagmites, stone pillars, stone milk, and stone curtains are like fairies descending to the earth, some like Eight Immortals celebrating birthdays, some like Guanyin meditating, some like dragon court jade pillars, some like moonlit night in the forest of towers, and some like fat pig ears. Hanging down numerous and colourful, with one or two embracing stone pillars, thin and thick in the middle, forming a vase, covered with coral or chrysanthemum-shaped stone flowers. The three and four layers are all milky white or amber stalactites, and their shapes are all odd and interesting. There is also a seahorse fossil in the cave, whose age has not been verified. The most peculiar thing is the creamy white stone pillar in the third story, with a stone cap on the top, a base underneath, and a hexagonal prism, which resembles the five warriors memorial tower on the mountain. On the fifth floor, there is an underground river channel, such as an artificial clearing canal, with a long stream of fine water and a hole under it. It is said that it is connected to the East China Sea and is called the sea eye. However, the hole is so small that no human can walk in, so is still a mystery.


Baiyangdian Scenic Spot is located in the middle of Hebei Province. The scenic spot is rich in products and has beautiful scenery, and is known as the “Pearl of North China” and “West Lake in North China”. Reeds grow in the lake and their fragrance overflows. Lotus flowers stretch out, creating a poetic and picturesque scene, which is absolutely charming.

Baiyangdian was once the main battlefield for the heroic Yanling team to ambush the Japanese invaders, engraved with a bright red mark. Baiyangdian has bred many sons and daughters and heroes, who are not afraid of life and death and are filled with noble spirit. The story of “Little Soldier Zhang Ga” takes place here. Today, in the Yanling Team Memorial Hall, there are still precious photos and real objects of the Yanling Team of the Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Team on the Baiyangdian Water, spreading heroic deeds of the War of Resistance.

Address: Tourism East Road, Anxin County, Baoding City, Hebei Province

Li Dazhao Memorial Hall

Li Dazhao Memorial is located in Leting County, Hebei Province. It was approved by the CPC Central Committee and opened on August 16, 1997. The Memorial Hall covers an area of 130 acres with a construction area of 8656㎡. The main scenic spots to visit include: Li Dazhao’s life and deeds exhibition, Li Dazhao’s integrity exhibition, Li Dazhao monument forest, etc. The whole building of the memorial hall is composed of three colours of black, white and grey, which is simple, solemn and elegant. The eight pillars of merit symbolize Li Dazhao’s great achievements; the eight reliefs show the footprints of his main revolutionary practice activities; the thirty-eight steps symbolize the 38 years of ups and downs in his life. The exhibition of Li Dazhao’s life performance is divided into three exhibition halls, with detailed materials, modern display methods and various art forms, comprehensively and systematically showing Li Dazhao’s magnificent life and the great achievements made to the Chinese revolution; the integrity exhibition highlights Comrade Li Dazhao’s incorruptible demeanour and model inheritance and practical significance; the Li Dazhao Memorial Stele Forest collects some of Li Dazhao’s precious handwritten scripts, Party and state leaders’ inscriptions for him, and calligraphy works commemorating and praising Li Dazhao by famous calligraphers and artists in China, as well as some copies of Li Dazhao’s inscriptions, including patriotism education, humanistic landscape and art appreciation.

Li Dazhao Memorial Hall also has a tourist service centre, a visitor centre, an audio-visual lecture hall, an artificial lake, a pavilion, and a memorial square. The architectural style of the memorial hall integrates national characteristics and modern architectural style, combined with landscaping, simple, concise, solemn and generous features, and embodies the spirit of Comrade Li Dazhao. Li Dazhao Memorial Hall has been identified as one of the first 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China, one of China’s 100 red tourism classic scenic spots, one of China’s 30 red tourism boutique routes, National Clean Government Education Base, National Defence Education Demonstration Base , and National AAAA-level Tourist Attraction.

Address: No.1, Miyuan Street, Leting County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province


Yesanpo developed its tourism industry in 1986. With its “majestic, dangerous, strange, secluded” natural landscape and ancient history and culture, it is popular with tourists at home and abroad. It has successively won the titles of World Geopark, National Scenic Area, National AAAAA-level Tourist Area, National Forest Park, National Eco-tourism Demonstration Area, National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base, and National Science Education Base.

Pingxi, as the name suggests, is the west side of Beiping (now Beijing). It is close to Ping (Beiping) - Sui (Suiyuan) Railway in the northeast, and the Ping (Beiping) - Han (Wuhan) Railway in the southeast, covering the triangle area south of Xuanhua and north of Laishui, including all or part of the 12 counties of Laishui, Zhuoxian, Zhuolu, Huailai, Yangyuan, Xuanhua, Yuxian, Huaian, Wanping, Changping, Liangxiang, and Fangshan during the Republic of China. Pingxi is the forefront of the Anti-Japanese War in North China and an important strategic defence area for the Party to adhere to Jidong and develop Pingbei. Located in the heart of Pingxi, Yesanpo played a unique historical role in the Anti-Japanese and was the forefront of the War in Pingxi.

In February 1938, the Denghua Detachment opened up Pingxi and entered Yesanpo; in May 1938, the Fanglaizhuo government moved to Zishikou, Yesanpo; in February 1939, Jirecha Marching Command and Ji Recha District Party Committee, then Pingxi Special Office, Pingxi District Committee, Marching Command Military School and Factory, Marching Command Military News Agencies - Marching Command Newspaper, Marching Command Drama Association, Marching Command 7th Regiment, 9th Regiment of Jidong District (later called Five District) Health centres and other leading organizations of the Party, government, and military are scattered in the south of Yesanpo Mountain, Zhuangtou, Daze, Luogutai, Sangyuanjian, Beizhuang, Eyu, Zishikou, Pengtou Village and Duya Village. Yesanpo thus became the political, military and cultural centre of the Pingxi War of Resistance.

The landscape of Yesanpo left the glorious footprints of the older generation of revolutionaries such as Xiao Ke and Yao Yilin. The famous patriotic democrat Li Gongpu once conducted anti-Japanese propaganda in Yesanpo, and the famous lyricist Cao Huoxing created the immortal song “No Communist Party, No New China” in Yesanpo. The prototype of the famous Red opera “White Haired Girl” came into being in the Yesanpo. Yesanpo exhausted its manpower and material resources into the torrent of the Pingxi Anti-Japanese War. Every family had soldiers and every family was a fortress.

The broad masses of the people in Yesanpo have witnessed countless epic revolutionary deeds in the long-term arduous and cruel revolutionary struggle, including national hero Yang Huaiying, labor hero Yang Mingfu, arsenal martyr Wang Deyun, and Li Jinrong, who would rather die than lead the road for Japanese army, Zhao Wencang, who sacrificed his life to defend for military uniform, heroic food committee member Tian Jingrong, heroic scout Zheng Shouku and Zhao Jifu, underground trafficman Lv Yuhua, and a large number of heroes such as Wang Dianlong, who would rather die than surrender, have inspired the soldiers and civilians of Yesanpo to fight for national dignity, independence and liberation.

Yesanpo is not only a sacred Red Revolutionary place, but also a good place to take children to travel. The scenery here is very beautiful with geologic features. Yesanpo Yugudong Spring is located on the south side of Yugudong. It is listed as an anecdote of the world for the fish spewing out from the spring. It is one of the “eight strange springs” in Hebei Province.

Address: Gougezhuang Village, Sanpo Town, Laishui County, Baoding City, Hebei Province
