The Shichahai Scenic Area boasts its historical and cultural advantages


Shichahai is both a historical and cultural scenic area and a historical and cultural protection zone in Beijing. It is located in the Xicheng District, which is in the downtown and adjacent to the central axis of Beijing. It covers a water area of 336,000 square meters and connects with the water area of Zhongnanhai (Central and Southern Seas). Shichahai is the only open scenic area with open water in the Inner City of Beijing and the largest and most well-preserved historical block in Beijing, playing a unique role in the planning and construction history of Beijing.

It includes three water areas: Qianhai (Front Sea), Houhai (Back Sea) and Xihai (West Sea, also known as Jishui Pond) and surrounding areas. These three seas are known as "Housanhai", echoing with the "Qiansanhai", i.e. Nanhai (Southern Sea), Zhonghai (Central Sea) and Beihai (Northern Sea). Shichahai got its name as it was surrounded by 10 Buddhist temples. It has become a mecca for people to enjoy entertainment and escape hot summer since the Qing Dynasty. A lot of ancient buildings in the Shichahai Scenic Area play an important role in the urban construction and development history and political and cultural history of Beijing. Among them, Prince Gong's Mansion and Garden, Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling, Prince Chun's Mansion, Memorial Hall of Guo Moruo, Drum and Bell Towers, Archery Tower of Desheng Gate, Guanghua Temple, Huitong Temple and Huixian Hall.

The charm of Shichahai is praised in the famous book A Glimpse of Beijing, the Ancient Capital (Dijing Jingwulue), "comparable to the spring of West Lake, the summer of Qinhuai River and the autumn of Dongting Lake." The Shichahai Scenic Area is picturesque, hailed as the "Water Town in the North". As tourists increase, some stores featuring ancient culture, snack streets and bars have gathered here, creating one of the cultural streets in Beijing.

Located in the northwest of the central axis of Beijing, the Shichahai Scenic Area starts from the north of Di’anmenwai Street in the east; in the south, it spans from the Di’anmen West Street to the west to Longtoujing, then to the northwest to cover the Liuyin Street, Yangfang Hutong and Xinjiekou East Street to the Xinjiekou North Street, and in the west, it starts from the Xinjiekou North Street to the north to Xinjiekou Huokou; in the north, it starts from the Xinjiekou Huokou to the east to the Desheng Gate, covering the Gulou West Street to the Bell and Drum Towers from the Desheng Gate.

The Shichahai Scenic Area boasts its historical and cultural advantages. There are more than 40 cultural relic protection units, accounting for more than one third of those of the Xicheng District. In history, this area housed more than 30 palaces of princes, nunneries and temples, among which dozens still exist. The 34-hectare water area of Shichahai integrates naturally into the urban block. Relying on the bodies of water, the weeping willow by the bank of the lake and the lotus blossoms in the water also constitute unique natural landscape of Shichahai. The "Mountain Viewing in Yinding Bridge", one of the "Additional Eight Great Sights of Yanjing" is typical in the scenic area. Shichahai embraces a string of typical Hutongs and Siheyuans, such as Dajinsi Hutong and Xiaojinsi Hutong in Jinsitao Area, Nanguanfang Hutong and Beiguanfang Hutong, Ya'er Hutong by the Houhai Beiyan, Baimi Byway and Yandai Byway.
