Wu Qin Xi


Wu Qin Xi (imitating the movements and manners of tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird) was created by Hua Tuo who was a famous doctor in East Han Dynasty. The History of the Three Kingdoms records “The play of Wu Qin is tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird. The movements are good to the eliminate disease and good for feet.” Wu Pu, his apprentice, insisted on practicing Wu Qin Xi. When he was more than 90 years old, he was still in good health.

Wu Qin Xi is one kind of the Traditional Chinese Guidance. When practicing, we should make sure that our thoughts, breath and actions cooperate with each other. The mind concentration makes us calm and cultivate zhenqi in our inner body; the even breath can promote the circulate of qi and regulate bodily functions; the movement can strengthen the bones and muscles and benefit the joints.

The movements of Wu Qin Xi

Tiger action is to imitate the action of tiger, that is, the spirit and the actions of using claws, shaking the head and tail, and invigorate the whole body. This set of action is very beneficial to our kidney and waist. It can also strengthen the bones, clear the veins and remove the moisture in the inner body.

Deer action is to imitate deer's movements which can guide qi running through the whole body, regulate bodily functions, clear and smooth the blood vessels, and stretch muscles and bones. Thus it helps us to reach a longevity and refreshing mind.

Bear action is to imitate bear's movements. The bear has a large figure and a strong body; they are static outside but active inside. Thus when practicing this set of movements, we should focus on keeping active in the inner body but static in the appearance. In this way, we can keep our mind calm, harmonize the will and spirit, smooth the zhenqi. It also has therapeutic effect on our spleen and stomach.

Ape action is to imitate the actions of the ape. The ape is alert, flexible, and restless. Practicing this set of actions is to improve the flexibility of our body and prohibit the activity of our inner mind, in order to reach the calmness of our mind and improve our physical fitness.

Bird action is also called crane action, that is to imitate the image of the crane. The movements are gentle and stretching. This set can coordinate qi and blood, regulate bodily functions, and stretch muscles and joints.
