Travel in Beijing in 144 Hours: Central Axis Tour


With a length of 8 kilometers, the world’s longest and greatest Central Axis goes through Beijing city. That “the unique and magnificent spatial order of Beijing generates from the Central Axis” is the praise by master architect Liang Sicheng. The Central Axis of Beijing is 7.8 kilometers long starting in the south of the city from the Yongdingmen and ending with the Drum and Bell Towers in the north. The buildings in the city are constructed along the axis. The Central Axis absorbs the essence of ancient Beijing architecture and also witnesses the growth of Beijing. Therefore, if there is a route that makes you quickly know Beijing, it is the central axis.

Recommended Routes: Drum and Bell Towers - Di’anmen - Jingshan Hill - the Palace Museum - Tian’anmen Square - Qianmen - Temple of Heaven - Yongdingmen

Drum and Bell Towers

Drum and Bell Towers, an ancient architectural complex, are situated at the northern end of the Central Axis and also the northern end of Di’anmenwai Street. Besides, it is a national key cultural relic protection site.

Two towers are juxtaposed in longitudinal direction, forming a grand and magnificent spectacle. Symbolizing the crystallization of ancient Chinese people’s wisdom, both of them were central to official timekeeping in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Among all urban drum and bell towers built in ancient times, the Drum and Bell Towers in Beijing are the ultimate in scale and shape and one of landmarks of the ancient capital as well as the witness to historical development of China in recent 100 years.

Ticket: 20 yuan for Drum Tower, 15 yuan for Bell Towers, and 30 yuan for both

Opening Hours: 09:00 -17:30 (peak season); 10:00 -17:00 (off season)

Address: Linzi No. 9, Zhonglouwan, Dongcheng District 东城区钟楼湾临字9号

Traffic Guide: take Metro Line 8 and get off at Exit A2 of Shichahai station, and then walk to the destination


Di’anmen, one of the important landmark buildings along the Central Axis of Beijing, is the north imperial gate and faces Tian’anmen, the south imperial gate. Di’anmen and Tian’anmen literally imply world peace and harvest. Di’anmen is one of four imperial gates of Beijing. The main entrance of imperial city is named Tian’anmen (called Chengtianmen in Ming Dynasty), Dong’anmen in east, Xi’anmen in west and Di’anmen in north. It was called Bei’anmen in the Ming Dynasty, commonly known as the Houzaimen and also “Houmen (back door)”.

Ticket: 50 yuan

Opening Hours: 09:00 -18:00

Address: Di’anmen, Xicheng District 西城区地安门

Jingshan Park

Jingshan Park was the highest point of central Beijing. Jingshan Hill was the imperial secret garden in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and was originally named Qingshan, Wansuishan, Zhenshan and Jingshan. It was also called Meishan among folks.

Jingshan Park was the place where the emperors and empresses of Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped ancestors, so cultural relics and historic sites are preserved, including Shouhuang Hall (Hall of Imperial Longevity), Guande Hall, Huguo Zhongyi Temple, Qiwang Building. This holy land presents you rich ancestor feeling, inherits and carries forward Chinese filial piety culture. Inside the park, there are towering ancient trees, mountains, tall buildings, a great variety of peonies and rich cultural activities. Five pavilions arrange in a horizontal line, the middle Wanchun Pavilion is located at the highest point of the Central Axis of Beijing enjoying favorable climate and geography. On the Wanchun Pavilion, you can overlook the entire Palace Museum and take a look at the Central Axis, enjoying the symmetrical layout and magnificent royal buildings.

Ticket: 2 yuan for each adult

Opening Hours: September - May: 06:30-20:00; April - October: 06:30 -21:00

Address: No. 44, Jingshan West Street, Xicheng District 西城区景山西街44号

Palace Museum

The Palace Museum of Beijing, ever called the Forbidden City, was served as the imperial palace of 24 emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Splendid and palatial, it is the model of Chinese ancient palace architectures. And it is also the largest and best preserved palace building complexes of timber structure.

Stepping into it and following the Central Axis, you can feel the broad mind of grand dynasties from dramatic buildings; you can grasp the gentle royal life from exquisite display of Six Western and Eastern palaces and elaborate design of gardens and parks in the imperial palace; or you can go back in the history of China suffering internal and external problems hundred years ago from yellow gauze curtain rolled in Dongnuan Pavilion in the Hall of Mental Cultivation (Yangxin Dian).


April 1 - October 31 (peak season): 60 yuan (Treasure Hall and Hall of Clocks and Watches excluded)

November 1 - March 31 (off season): 40yuan (Treasure Hall and Hall of Clocks and Watches excluded)

Treasure Hall: 10 yuan

Hall of Clocks and Watches: 10 yuan

Address: No.4, Jingshan Front Street, Dongcheng District 东城区景山前街4号

Tian’anmen Square

Tian’anmen Square, the largest city square in the world, could hold one million people for a grand meeting. The square lies the Tian'anmen to the north and the Zhengyangmen to the south. Along the east side of the square is the National Museum of China and along the west side is the Great Hall of the People. The square is 880 meters long in the NS direction and 500 meters wide in the WE direction, covering and area of 440,000 square meters.

The solemn Monument to the People’s Heroes and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall stand in the middle of the square. On both sides of Tian’anmen Square, there are Workers' Cultural Palace and Zhongshan Park. These magnificent buildings and Tian’anmen are perfectly integrated into Tian’anmen Square.

As the spot of numerous significant political and historical events, Tian’anmen Square is also the witness of history from wane to prosperity.

Ticket: free

Address: East Chang'an Avenue, Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街

Traffic Guide: take Metro Line 1 to get off at the Exit A of East Tian’anmen Station, and then walk to the destination

Qianmen Street

Qianmen Street is Beijing’s well-known commercial street. It is located on the axle wire of urban Beijing, spanning from the northern Qianmen Yueliangwan Hotel to the southern road junction of Tianqiao Bridge, connecting with Tianqiao South Street. Before the establishment of Outer City in the 29th year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1550), it was the imperial road for emperors to Altar of Mountains and Rivers; after 1550, it is the main north-south streets of Outer City and is called Qianmen Street by folks.

Ticket: free

Address: Qianmen Street, Dongcheng District 东城区前门大街

Traffic Guide: take Metro Line 2 to get off at Qianmen Station

Temple of Heaven

Covering an area of 2.7 million square meters, it is the existing largest ancient buildings for rituals to pay homage to heaven. In Beijing, the Temple of Earth for worshiping to the earth, sits to the north of the city, and the Temple of the Sun for worshiping to the sun, sits to the east, opposite the Temple of the Moon, which is for worshiping to the moon. Among them, the Temple of Heaven is the most bright and extraordinary building.

The Temple of Heaven was first constructed in 1420, the 18th year of the reign of Ming emperor Yongle,and was extended and renovated to be completed in the reigns of Qing emperor Qianlong. Its main buildings include the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the Circular Mound, the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the Abstinence Hall, Divine Music Administration and the Department for Sacrifices.

Ticket: April 1 - October 31 (peak season): 15 yuan, combination ticket: 35 yuan; November 1 - March 31 (off season): 10 yuan, combination ticket: 30 yuan

Opening Hours: 06:00-22:00 (peak season); 06:30-22:00 (off season)

Address: No. 7 Neidongli, Temple of Heaven, Dongcheng District 东城区天坛内东里7号

Traffic Guide: take Metro Line 5 and get off at the Exit A2 of Tiantan Dongmen Station, and then walk to the destination


Yongdingmen, the main gate of Beijing's outer city wall in the Ming and Qing dynasties, is located on the central axis of the capital, between Zuoanmen and Youanmen. It is the largest gate of the outer city, which is also an important thoroughfare to the south.

This gate was built in 1553, the 32th year of the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, implied the meaning of "prolonged political stability". The gate tower has the shape and structure similar to the inner city, and is designed as a pavilion with triple-eave hip-and gable roof, covered with gray tiles and green glazed tiles on the edge. The east-west width is 24m, the north-south width is 10.5m, and the total height of gate tower and terrace is 26m.

Ticket: free

Address: Yongdingmen, Dongcheng District 东城区永定门
